Call Number (LC) Title Results
KNN38 .C55 1919 The draft Code of Criminal Procedure of China (1910) / 1
KNN39 .A2 1968 Da Tang liu dian / 1
KNN50 .L79 2011 Lü xue yu fa xue : Zhongguo fa lü jiao yu yu fa lü xue shu de chuan tong ji qi xian dai fa zhan / 1
KNN63.3 .K84 1956 T'ang-yin-pi-shih. Parallel cases from under the pear-tree; a 13th century manual of jurisprudence and detection / 1
KNN63.4 .M56213 1999 The enlightened judgments : Qingming ji : the Sung dynasty collection / 1
KNN64.8 .L39 1967 Law in Imperial China: exemplified by 190 Ch'ing Dynasty cases, 1
KNN77 Chinese criminal trials : a comprehensive empirical inquiry / 1
KNN82 .Z484 2020 Circulating the Code : print media and legal knowledge in Qing China / 1
KNN96 .A45 1943 Shanghai lawyer / 1
KNN96.A45 A3 1943i Shanghai lawyer 1
KNN96 .A45f 1943 Shanghai lawyer 1
KNN96.G36 A3 2007 A China more just : my fight as a rights lawyer in the world's largest communist state / 1
KNN107 .C48 2015eb Chinese law : knowledge, practice and transformation, 1530s to 1950s / 1
KNN120 .E83 1936r Chinese law: conception and evolution, legislative and judicial institutions, science and teaching. 1
KNN120 .L58 1998 Origins of Chinese law : penal and administrative law in its early development / 2
KNN122 The history of Chinese legal civilization modern and contemporary China (from 1840-) /
Writing Chinese laws : the form and function of legal statutes found in the Qin Shuihudi corpus /
Legal institutions in Manchu China : a sociological analysis /
The tradition and modern transition of Chinese law /
The history and theory of legal practice in China : toward a historical-social jurisprudence /
The history of Chinese legal civilization Ancient China--from about 21st Century B.C. to 1840 A.D. /
KNN122 .B36 2015 Law, state, and society in early imperial China : a study with critical edition and translation of the legal texts from Zhangjiashan tomb no. 247 / 1
KNN122 .B373 2015 Law state and society in early imperial china : a study with critical edition and translation of the legal text from zhangjashan tomb no. 1
KNN122 .C355 2018 Writing Chinese laws : the form and function of legal statutes found in the Qin Shuihudi corpus / 1
KNN122 .C42 1997 Liang Han Wei Jin fa zhi jian shuo / 1