Call Number (LC) Title Results
KNN1155 .A945 1924i Handbook on the protection of trade-marks, patents, copyrights, and trade-names in China 1
KNN1155 .A958 1995 To steal a book is an elegant offense : intellectual property law in Chinese civilization / 2
KNN1160 .Z466 2012 Zhongguo gu dai ban quan shi = History of copyright in ancient China / 1
KNN1194 .A28 2013eb Leggi tradotte della Repubblica popolare cinese. 1
KNN1572 Chinese civil justice, past and present /
Criminal justice in China : a history /
A new study on the judicial administrative system with Chinese characteristics
KNN1572 .C58 1994 Civil law in Qing and Republican China / 1
KNN1572 C58 2002 Min guo chu qi min fa de jin dai hua : Yi gu you fa yu ji shou fa de zheng he wei zhong xin / 1
KNN1572 .D54 2007 The Chinese worldview regarding justice and the supernatural : the cultural and historical roots of rule by law / 1
KNN1572 .H83 1996 Civil justice in China : representation and practice in the Qing / 1
KNN1572 .H834 2001 Code, custom, and legal practice in China : the Qing and the Republic compared / 1
KNN1572 .M84 2009 Criminal justice in China : a history / 2
KNN1572 .X8 2020 Heaven has eyes : law and justice in Chinese history / 1
KNN1572 .X89 2008 Trial of modernity : judicial reform in early twentieth-century China, 1901-1937 / 1
KNN1572 .Z47 2015 Zhongguo jian yu shi / 1
KNN1580 .Z5313 2021 Law, resources and time-space constructing : internal evolutionary logic for Chinese judiciary during the 19th century / 1
KNN1629 .N46 2014 Legal transplantation in early twentieth-century China : practicing law in Republican Beijing (1910s-1930s) / 2
KNN1650 .Y69 2011 Yu yu song : Zhongguo chuan tong su song wen hua yan jiu / 1
KNN1704.81921 .A2 1924 Règlement de procédure civile de la République de Chine promulgué le 22 juillet, 1921 : suivi du règlement d'exécution du même jour, et du règlement sur les voies d'exécution en matière civile du 3 août, 1920 / 1
KNN1829 .G64 2016 Law without lawyers, justice without courts : on traditional Chinese mediation /
Law Without Lawyers, Justice Without Courts : On Traditional Chinese Mediation.
KNN2050 .W55 1922i Constitutional government in China present conditions and prospects / 1