Call Number (LC) Title Results
KRX1744.61916 .G65 1920i British letters patent passed under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, constituting the Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony, and providing for the government thereof Westminster, September 20, 1916. 1
KRX1744.61925 .G65 1925i Order in Council providing for the establishment of the Legislative Council of the Gold Coast Colony London, April 8, 1925. 1
KRX1744.61925 .G65 1927i Order in Council amending "The Gold Coast Colony (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1925" London, February 7, 1927. 1
KRX1744.61925 .G65 1933i Order in Council amending "The Gold Coast Colony (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1925" London, June 26, 1933. 1
KRX1744.61925 .G65 1934i Order in Council further amending "The Gold Coast Colony (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1925" London, November 9, 1934. 1
KRX1744.61925 .G65 1939i Order in Council further amending "The Gold Coast Colony (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1925" London, September 8, 1939. 1
KRX1744.61934 .G65 1939i Order in Council providing for the enactment by the Governor of the Gold Coast Colony of ordinances related to the Colony, Ashanti and the Northern Territories London, November 9, 1934. 1
KRX1744.61946 .G65 1946i Order by His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Colonies made under Section 47 of "The Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1946", for removing a difficulty arising in connection with the Constitution of the Joint Provincial Council of the Gold Coast Colony London, May 24, 1946.
Order in Council constituting a Legislative Council for the Gold Coast Colony and for Ashanti London, February 19, 1946.
Order in Council providing for the enactment of laws for the various territories of the Gold Coast London, February 19, 1946.
KRX1744.61946 .G65 1949i Order in Council amending the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti (Legislative Council) Order in Council, 1946, in respect of Togoland coming under the trusteeship of the United Kingdom 28th October 1949.
Letters patent passed under the great Seal of the Realm amending the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti Letters patent, 1946 Westminster, 9th November, 1949.
Order in Council amending the Gold Coast Ordinances Order in Council, 1946, in respect of Togoland coming under the trusteeship of the United Kingdom London, 28th October 1949.
KRX1744.61946 .G65 1950i Order in Council regarding the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti Legislative Council Windsor, 31st March 1950. 1
KRX1744.61946 .G65 1953i Letters patent passed under the great Seal of the Realm constituting the Office of Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti making certain provisions for the government thereof Westminster, March 7, 1946. 1
KRX1744.61950 .G65 1950i Letters patent passed under the great Seal of the Realm constituting the Office of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gold Coast Colony and Ashanti and making provision for the government thereof Westminster, 19th December, 1950. 1
KRX1744.61953 .G65 1953i The government's proposals for constitutional reform 1
KRX1744.61957 .G74 1957i An act to make provision for, and in connection with, the attainment by the Gold Coast of fully responsible status within the British Commonwealth of Nations [7th February, 1957]. 1
KRX1750 .B46 1962 The constitutional law of Ghana. 1
KRX1750 .R47 1964i Report on Ghanaian constitutional law 1
KRX1750 .R83 1961 The Constitution and Government of Ghana, 1
KRX1750 .R83 1964 The Constitution and Government of Ghana, 1
KRX2095 .F56 1984i Human rights in Ghana report of a mission / 1
KRX3466 .D38 2015 Reflections on the Supreme Court of Ghana / 1