Call Number (LC) Title Results
KTV2064.51959 .Z8 1999i Loi constitutionnelle no 99-52 du 30 juin 1999 portant dispositions dérogatoires au troisième alinéa de l'article 40 de la Constitution. 1
KTV2064.51959 .Z8 2002i Loi constitutionnelle no 2002-51 du 1er juin 2002 portant modification de certaines dispositions de la Constitution. 1
KTV2064.51959 .Z8 2010i Tunisia Constitutional law no. 2003-34 of 13 May 2003 /
Tunisia Constitutional law no. 2008-52 of 28 July 2008 /
KTV2064.52014 .A6 2014i The Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia promulgated on 27 January 2014.
The Constitution of the Tunisian Republic
KTV2064.52022 .A6 2022i Constitution of the Republic of Tunisia, 2022
[Constitution of the Tunisian Republic, 2022]
[Draft constitution, 2022] [draft of 8 July 2022].
KTV2064.61857 .T86 2014i Le pacte fondamental 10 septembre 1857. 1
KTV2064.61955 .T86 2016i Décret du 29 décernbre 1955 (14 djoumada I 1375), portant institution d'une Assemblée nationale constituante 1
KTV2064.61956 .T86 1956i Decree du 21 juin 1956 (12 doul kaada 1375) portant organisation administrative du Royaume. 1
KTV2064.61956 .T86 2013i Decree of 21 June 1956 concerning the administrative organization of the Kingdom 1
KTV2070 .E54 2013i Enhancing the rule of law and guaranteeing human rights in the constitution a report on the constitutional reform process in Tunisia. 1
KTV2460 TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE IN TUNISIA innovations, continuities, challenges. 1
KTV2460 .I458 2016i Illusory justice, prevailing impunity lack of effective remedies and reparation for victims of human rights violations in Tunisia. 1
KTV2460 .M56 1988 Tunisia, human rights crisis of 1987 : a report of the Minnesota Lawyers International Human Rights Committee. 1
KTV3023 Externalising migration governance through civil society Tunisia as a case study / 1
KTV4855 .S34 2022 Transitional justice in process : plans and politics in Tunisia / 1
KTW6.4 .B76 1968 An introduction to the law of Uganda, 1
KTW11.A44 A35 2000 Interesting times : Uganda diaries, 1955-1986 / 1
KTW35 .G65 1967 Sebei law / 1
KTW44.9 .H29 1960 Law and justice in Buganda. 1
KTW46.8 .K36 2010eb