Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ1176.5 .P55 2005 The Hermann Goering show / 1
KZ1176.5 .P75 2016 The betrayal : the Nuremberg trials and German divergence / 1
KZ1176.5 .S25 2007 Nazi war crimes, US intelligence and selective prosecution at Nuremberg : controversies regarding the role of the Office of Strategic Services / 1
KZ1176.5 .S25 2007eb Nazi war crimes, US intelligence and selective prosecution at Nuremberg : controversies regarding the role of the Office of Strategic Services / 1
KZ1176.5 .S26 2022 Blind obedience and denial : the Nuremberg defendants / 1
KZ1176.5 S66 1949 Sonderdruck aus Archiv des Völkerrechts. 1
KZ1176.5 .S67 2005 Looking backward--thinking forward : a Nuremberg prosecutor's memoir with numerous commentaries on subjects of contemporary interest / 1
KZ1176.5 .S76 1968 The final judgment? Pearl Harbor to Nuremberg, 1
KZ1176.5 .T3915 1950 Die Nürnberger Prozesse : Kriegsverbrechen und Völkerrecht / 1
KZ1176.5 .T57 2014 La France et le procès de Nuremberg : inventer le droit international / 1
KZ1176.5 .T87 1984 The Nuremberg Trial / 1
KZ1176.5 .U55 1949i The charter and judgment of the Nürnberg Tribunal history and analysis / 1
KZ1176.5 .W37 1999 War crimes : the legacy of Nuremberg / 1
KZ1176.5 .W377 2008 The Nuremberg trials : last tragedy of the Holocaust / 1
KZ1176.5 .W64 1960 The Nuremberg trials in international law. 1
KZ1176.5 .W64 1962 The Nuremberg trials in international law. With a postlude on the Eichmann case. 1
KZ1176.5 ebook Los juicios de Núremberg 1
KZ1177.K78 W55 1950 Warum wurde Krupp verurteilt? Legende und Justizirrtum. 1
KZ1177.S77 E27 2011 The Nuremberg trial of Julius Streicher : the crime of "incitement to genocide" / 1
KZ1178 .D32 2006 Dachauer Prozesse : NS-Verbrechen vor amerikanischen Militärgerichten in Dachau 1945-48 ; Verfahren, Ergebnisse, Nachwirkungen / 1