Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ1265 ebook Sentencia Lisboa del tribunal constitucional federal alemán / 1
KZ1266 Towards convergence in international human rights law : approaches of regional and international systems /
Transnational evaluation of constitutions through the prism of human rights and international law /
International law and the protection of humanity : essays in honor of Flavia Lattanzi /
Guarantees of non-repetition in international human rights law and transitional justice : building peace after conflict /
The right to the truth in international law : victims' rights in human rights and international criminal law /
Expansionism in international human rights law /
The constitutional dimension of contract law : a comparative perspective /
The incoherence of human rights in international law : absence, emergence, and limitations /
International human rights law theory and practice /
Research methods for international human rights law : beyond the traditional paradigm /
Challenging territoriality in human rights law : building blocks for a plural and diverse duty-bearer regime /
The United Nations System for Protecting Human Rights: Volume IV.
La justicia detrás de la Justicia : ideas y valores políticos en la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos /
The United Nations principles to combat impunity : a commentary /
Legal issues of international law from a gender perspective /
The influence of human rights on international law /
Acoustic jurisprudence : listening to the trial of Simon Bikindi /
States, human rights, and distant strangers : the normative justification of extraterritorial obligations in human rights law /
The European Convention on Human Rights and general international law /
The impact of the European convention on human rights on private international law /
The Routledge handbook on extraterritorial human rights obligations /
Introduction to international human rights law /
The prevention of gross human rights violations under international human rights law /
Fundamental rights in international and European law : public and private law perspectives /
New dimensions in the international protection of human rights and the need for a new human rights diplomacy /
The police and international human rights law /
Judicial dialogue on human rights : the practice of international criminal tribunals /
Global intersectionality and contemporary human rights /
The Routledge handbook of international law and anthropocentrism /
Post-backlash human rights law /
KZ1266 .A5313 2015i International law and the fight against impunity 1
KZ1266 .B37 2019 Governance as responsibility : member states as human rights protectors in international financial institutions /
Governance as responsibility : member States as human rights protectors in international financial institutions /
KZ1266 .B87 2022i Business and human rights law and practice in Africa 1
KZ1266 .B89 2021 Evading international norms : race and rights in the shadow of legality / 1
KZ1266 .C53 2013i Human rights and non-state actors 1
KZ1266 .C66 2018 Convergences and divergences between international human rights, international humanitarian and international criminal law / 1
KZ1266 .C66 2019 Contentious compliance : dissent and repression under international human rights law / 1
KZ1266 .C66 2020 Contentious compliance : dissent and repression under international human rights law / 1
KZ1266 .C69 2022eb Defensive relativism : the use of cultural relativism in international legal practice / 1
KZ1266 .D34 2018 The relationship between human security discourse and international law : a principled approach / 1
KZ1266 .D348 2018 The relationship between human security discourse and international law : a principled approach / 1
KZ1266 .D385 2021 Strengthening Human Rights Protections in Geneva, Israel, the West Bank and Beyond. 1
KZ1266 .D65 2019 Doing peace the rights way : essays in international law and relations in honour of Louise Arbour / 1
KZ1266 .D66 2017 International human rights law / 1
KZ1266 .D73 2022 Post-backlash human rights law / 1
KZ1266 .D76 2006i The right to a remedy and to reparation for gross human rights violations a practitioners' guide / 1
KZ1266 .E26 2014 Economic, social, and cultural rights in international law : contemporary issues and challenges / 1
KZ1266 .E26 2014i Economic, social, and cultural rights in international law contemporary issues and challenges / 1