Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ238 .N69 1982i North Atlantic coast fisheries arbitration at the Hague argument on behalf of the United States / 1
KZ238.P2 U55 1934i American and Panamanian general claims arbitration under the conventions between the United States and Panama of July 28, 1926, and December 17, 1932 1
KZ238.P5 A43 1902 Transcript of record of proceedings before the Mexican and American mixed claims commission with relation to "The Pious Fund of the Californias," being claim no. 493, American Docket, and entitled Thaddeus Amat, Bishop of Monterey, Joseph S. Alemany, Archbishop of San Francisco, vs. Mexico. 1
KZ238.P5 J64 1963 The Pious Fund. 1
KZ238.P5 P47 1902 Recueil des actes et protocoles concernant le litige du "Fonds pieux des Californies", soumis au tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en vertu du traité conclu à Washington le 22 mai 1902 entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis mexicains. 1
KZ238.P5 P47 1902i Recueil des actes et protocoles concernant le litige du "Fonds pieux des Californies", soumis au tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en vertu du traité conclu à Washington le 22 mai 1902 entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis mexicains 1
KZ238.S7 F85 1902i Obligations of the United States under Art. VII of the Treaty of Paris argument of Paul Fuller before the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission on the demurrer of the government to the petitions of the Trinidad Sugar Company, and Richard K. Sheldon, executor. 1
KZ238.S7 M43 1860i Richard W. Meade, administrator of R. W. Meade, deceased February 11, 1860-- reported from the Court of Claims. 1
KZ238.S7 U55 1905i Rules and regulations of practice and procedure adopted and amended from time to time by the Commission / 1
KZ238.S7 U55 1910i Final report of the Spanish Treaty Claims Commission, Washington, D.C., May 2, 1910 1
KZ238.S8 .U55 1932i Arbitration between the United States and Sweden under special agreement of December 17, 1930 the "Kronprins Gustaf Adolf" and the "Pacific." 1
KZ238 .T87 1937 American-Turkish claims settlement. Under the Agreement of December 24, 1923, and supplemental agreements between the United States and Turkey / 1
KZ238.T87 A44 1937i American-Turkish claims settlement under the Agreement of December 24, 1923, and supplemental agreements between the United States and Turkey : opinions and report / 1
KZ238.V4 P47 1905i The Venezuelan arbitration before the Hague tribunal, 1903 proceedings of the tribunal under the protocols between Venezuela and Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States, Belgium, France, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Norway, signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. 1
KZ238.V4 P473 1910 The case of the United States of America, on behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company, against the United States of Venezuela. 1
KZ238.V4 P4731 1910 Appendix to the case of The United States of America on behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company against The United States of Venezuela. 1
KZ238.V4 P477 1909 Protocoles des séances du tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en exécution du compromis signé entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Vénézuela le 13 février 1909. Différend au sujet d'une réclamation de la Compagnie des bateaux à vapeur "Orinoco" 1
KZ238.V4 P478 1905 The Venezuelan arbitration before the Hague tribunal, 1903 / Proceedings of the tribunal under the protocols between Venezuela and Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States, Belgium, France, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and Norway, 1
KZ238.V4 U5535 1910 Annexes a l'Expose des Etats-Unis d'Amerique intervenants pour le compte de la Orinoco Steamship Company contre Les Etats-Unis du Venezuela. 1
KZ238.V4 U5536 1910 Contre-exposé des États-Unis d'Amérique intervenants pour le compte de la Orinoco steamship company contre les États-Unis du Vénézuéla / 1