Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ238.V4 U5537 1910 The Argument of the United States of America on behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company against the United States of Venezuela. 1
KZ238.V4 U5538 1910 The counter case of the United States of America on behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company against the United States of Venezuela : with appendix. 1
KZ238.V4 U554 1910 Exposé de Etats-Unis d'Amérique intervenants pour le compte de la Orinoco Steamship Company contre les États-Unis du Vénézuéla : avec des cartes. 1
KZ238.V4 U557 1910 Plaidoiries des États-Unis d'Amérique intervenants pour le compte de la Orinoco steamship company contre les états-unis du Vénézuéla. 1
KZ238.V4 V46343 1910 Affaire de The Orinoco Steamship Company Limited : Contre-expose du representant du Venezuela, Dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V4 V46347 1910 Affaire de The Orinoco Steamship Company Limited : plaidoiries prononcees devant le Tribunal par le representant du Venezuela, Dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V4 V46373 1910 Asunto de The Orinoco steamship company limited : Alegatos pronunciados ante el tribunal por el representante de Venezuela, Dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V4 V46374 1910 Asunto de The Orinoco steamship company limited : Contra-alegatos del representante de Venezuela, dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V4 V4663 1909 The Orinoco Steamship Company, limited : Alegatos del representante de Venezuela, Dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V4 V4667 1909 The Orinoco Steamship Company Limited : Plaidoiries du représentant du Venezuela, dr. Carlos F. Grisanti. 1
KZ238.V46 P47 1910i Protocoles des séances du tribunal d'arbitrage constitué en exécution du compromis signé entre les États-Unis d'Amérique et les États-Unis du Vénézuela le 13 février 1909 différend au sujet d'une réclamation de la Compagnie des bateaux à vapeur "Orinoco" 1
KZ238.V46 U55 1910i The argument of the United States of America on behalf of the Orinoco Steamship Company against the United States of Venezuela 1
KZ239 1854i Case of the Black Warrior and other violations of the rights of American citizens by Spanish authorities. 1
KZ239 1861i The Aves Island case with the correspondence relating thereto and discussion of law and facts, being the official documents published by order of the Senate of the United States / 1
KZ239 1872i History of the Ortega and Miranda claims to the rancho Arroyo de San Antonio, in Sonoma Co., Cal. referring to House bills no. 1123 and no. 1024. 2
KZ239 1886i Weil and La Abra Silver Mining Co. message from the president of the United States, transmitting report from the Secretary of State concerning the claims of Benjamin Weil and La Abra Silver Mining Company against Mexico : in response to a resolution of the House of Representatives of May 13, 1886. 1
KZ239 1888i Message from the President of the United States, transmitting, in response to Senate resolutions of December 21, 1887, and January 16, 1888, reports on the awards of the late Mexican Claims Commission and especially those in favor of Benjamin Weil and La Abra Silver Mining Company 1
KZ239 1902 In the matter of the claim of the Candelaria Gold and Silver Mining Company against the Republic of Mexico : memorial to His Excellency, the President of the United States of America. 1
KZ239 1904 Report of Robert C. Morris. 1
KZ239 1921i Landreau claim United States of America : Republic of Peru : International Arbitral Commission, constituted under protocol signed in Lima, May 21, 1921. 1