Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KZ4017 .R96 2015eb | Jurisdiction in international law / | 1 |
KZ4017 .R965 2015 | Unilateral jurisdiction and global values / | 1 |
KZ4017 .S93 1960 | State immunities and trading activities in international law / | 1 |
KZ4017 .T46 1959 | The right of passage over Indian territory : a study of preliminary objections before the World Court / | 1 |
KZ4024 |
Transition from Illegal Regimes under International Law. Self-determination : national, regional, and global dimensions / The decolonization of international law state succession and the law of treaties / |
4 |
KZ4024 .B84 2001 | State succession and membership in international organizations : legal theories versus political pragmatism / | 1 |
KZ4024 .C37 1964 | Carnegie Endowment Conference on the Newly Independent States and International Law, Geneva, Oct. 9 to 13, 1963. Some reflections and a selected bibliography | 1 |
KZ4024 .C73 2007 | The decolonization of international law : state succession and the law of treaties / | 1 |
KZ4024 .C73 2007i | The decolonization of international law state succession and the law of treaties / | 1 |
KZ4024 .D4 2020 | State renaissance for peace : transitional governance under international law / | 2 |
KZ4024 .D44 2020i | State Renaissance for Peace Transitional Governance under International Law / | 1 |
KZ4024 .D57 1998 | Dissolution, continuation and succession in Eastern Europe / | 1 |
KZ4024 .D86 2007 | State succession to international responsibility / | 1 |
KZ4024 .G76 2004 | Dividing the state : legitimacy, secession and the doctrine of oppression / | 1 |
KZ4024 .G76 2018 | Dividing the state : legitimacy, secession, and the doctrine of oppression / | 1 |
KZ4024 .I58 1965 | The effect of independence on treaties; a handbook. | 1 |
KZ4024 .I58 1965i | The effect of independence on treaties a handbook / | 1 |
KZ4024 .J68 2007 | Constitutionalizing secession in federalized states : a procedural approach / | 1 |
KZ4024 .K45 1907i | The theory of state succession, with special reference to English and colonial law | 1 |
KZ4024 .K53 1892i | Conséquences juridiques des transformations territoriales des états sur les traités | 1 |