Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
KZ5645 .V47 1992i | Verification of disarmament or limitation of armaments instruments, negotiations, proposals / | 1 |
KZ5645 .W43 2014eb | Weapons under international human rights law / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 A53 2023i | Towards responsible AI in defence a mapping and comparative analysis of AI principles adopted by states ; research brief / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 A63 2022i | Proposals related to emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapon systems | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 A63 2023i | Proposals related to emerging technologies in the area of lethal autonomous weapon systems a resource paper (updated) / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 A93 2016eb | Autonomous weapons systems : law, ethics, policy / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 A98 2016 | Autonomous weapons systems : law, ethics, policy / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 B63 2022 | Autonomous weapons systems and international norms / | 2 |
KZ5645.5.A98 E44 2020i | Swarm robotics technical and operational overview of the next generation of autonomous systems / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 H65 2021i | Known unknowns data issues and military autonomous systems / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 M34 2020 | Autonomous weapon systems and the law of armed conflict : compatibility with international humanitarian law / | 3 |
KZ5645.5.A98 M34 2020i | Autonomous weapon systems and the law of armed conflict compatibility with international humanitarian law / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 M38 2022 | Autonomous weapons systems and the protection of the human person : an international law analysis / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 M38 2022i | Autonomous weapons systems and the protection of the human person an international law analysis / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 P47 2021i | Table-top exercises on the human element and autonomous weapons systems summary report / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 P87 2022i |
Confidence-building measures for artificial intelligence a framing paper / Human-machine interfaces in autonomous weapon systems considerations for human control / |
2 |
KZ5645.5.A98 S296 2021 | Fighting Machines Autonomous Weapons and Human Dignity. | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 S45 2022 | The legality and accountability of autonomous weapon systems : a humanitarian law perspective / | 2 |
KZ5645.5.A98 S63 2021i | UNIDIR on lethal authomous weapons mapping our research to the discussions of the GGE on LAWS / | 1 |
KZ5645.5.A98 V75 2023 | Individual criminal responsibility for autonomous weapons systems in international criminal law / | 1 |