Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ6275 .M49 2002 The World Court in action : judging among the nations / 3
KZ6275 .P65 1973 The advisory function of the International Court in the League and U.N. eras. 1
KZ6275 .P66 1996 The United States and the World Court as a 'Supreme Court of the Nations' : dreams, illusions, and disillusion / 1
KZ6275 .P76 1979 The latent power of culture and the international judge / 1
KZ6275 .R472 1961 Report on the Connally amendment; views of law school deans, lawschool professors [and] international law professors.
Report on the Connally amendment : views of deans of law schools and professors of law, international law and related subjects, in law schools, colleges and universities /
KZ6275 .R665 1957 The International Court of Justice : an essay in political and legal theory. 1
KZ6275 .R67 1965 The law and practice of the International Court / 1
KZ6275 .R67 1997 The law and practice of the International Court, 1920-1996 / 1
KZ6275 .R67 2006 The law and practice of the International Court, 1920-2005 / 1
KZ6275 .R67 2016 Rosenne's Law and practice of the International Court, 1920-2015. 1
KZ6275 .R673 2005 Provisional measures in international law : the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / 1
KZ6275 .R673 2005i Provisional measures in international law the International Court of Justice and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea / 1
KZ6275 .R674 1962 The World Court : what it is and how it works. 1
KZ6275 .R674 1973 The world court: what it is and how it works. 1
KZ6275 .R674 1989 The World Court : what it is and how it works / 1
KZ6275 .R674 1995 The World Court : what it is and how it works / 1
KZ6275 .R674 2003 Rosenne's the World Court : what it is and how it works / 1
KZ6275 .S34 2021 General principles as a source of international law : Art 38(1)(c) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice / 1
KZ6275 .S35 2004 Compliance with decisions of the International Court of Justice / 1
KZ6275 .S35 2004i Compliance with decisions of the International Court of Justice 1