Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ6311 .P47 2004 The permanent international criminal court : legal and policy issues / 1
KZ6311 .R35 2007 Defending the society of states : why America opposes the International Criminal Court and its vision of world society / 1
KZ6311 .R39 2006 The International Criminal Court : the principle of complementarity / 1
KZ6311 .R63 2006 Politicizing the International Criminal Court : the convergence of politics, ethics, and law / 2
KZ6311 .S34 2009 Negotiating sovereignty and human rights : international society and the International Criminal Court / 1
KZ6311 .S56 2004 Immunity and international criminal law / 1
KZ6311 .S77 2008 The politics of constructing the International Criminal Court : NGOs, discourse, and agency / 1
KZ6311 .S77 2008eb The politics of constructing the international criminal court NGOs, discourse, and agency /
The politics of constructing the international criminal court : NGOs, discourse, and agency /
KZ6311 .T69 1999 Toward an International Criminal Court? : three options presented as presidential speeches / 1
KZ6311 .U54 2002 United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court, Rome, 15 June-17 July 1998 : official records. 1
KZ6311 .U55 2000 The United States and the international criminal court : national security and international law / 1
KZ6312 .A87 2002 Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : first session, New York, 3-10 September 2002 : official records. 1
KZ6312 .I58 1999 The International Criminal Court : the making of the Rome Statute ; issues, negotiations, results / 1
KZ6312 .S72 2005 States' responses to issues arising from the ICC statute : constitutional, sovereignty, judicial cooperation and criminal law / 1
KZ6312 .S73 1998 The Statute of the International Criminal Court : a documentary history / 1
KZ6314 Complementarity in the Rome Statute and national criminal jurisdictions 1
KZ6314 .B76 2004 International justice and the International Criminal Court : between sovereignty and the rule of law / 1
KZ6314 .E4 2008eb The principle of complementarity in international criminal law : origin, development, and practice / 1
KZ6314 .E49 2008 The principle of complementarity in international criminal law : origin, development and practice / 1
KZ6314 .J87 2011 The International Criminal Court and national courts : a contentious relationship / 1