Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ6418.5 .L58 2015 Law's impunity : responsibility and the modern private military company / 1
KZ6418.5 .M67 2019 Marque and Reprisal : the spheres of public and private warfare / 1
KZ6418.5 .M69 2015 The privatized art of war : private military and security companies and state responsibility for their unlawful conduct in conflict areas / 2
KZ6418.5 .M85 2012eb Multilevel regulation of military and security contractors : the interplay between international, European and domestic norms / 1
KZ6418.5 .P75 2016 Private military and security contractors : controlling the corporate warrior / 1
KZ6418.5 .P83 2017 Public international law and human rights violations by private military and security companies / 1
KZ6419 .D43 1939i A collection of neutrality laws, regulations and treaties of various countries 1
KZ6419 .L39 1918i The laws of neutrality as existing on August 1, 1914 1
KZ6422 Neutralidad y jefatura del estado
Non-participation in armed conflict : continuity and modern challenges to the law of neutrality /
Derecho, conflicto social y emancipación : entre la depresión y la esperanza /
La neutralidad en el estado constitucional
El principio de neutralidad en la constitucion espanola.
KZ6422 .B35 1915i The United States and the expansion of the law between nations 1
KZ6422 .B83 1862i The rights of neutrals and belligerents, from the modern point of view 1
KZ6422 .C47 2002 Traditional neutrality revisited : law, theory, and case studies / 1
KZ6422 .H35 1874i The rights and duties of neutrals 1
KZ6422 .H36 1863i International law in connexion with municipal statutes relating to the commerce, rights and liabilities of the subjects of neutral states pending foreign war considered with reference to the trial of the case of the "Alexandra, " seized under the provisions of the Foreign Enlistment Act / 1
KZ6422 .J46 1801i A discourse on the conduct of the government of Great Britain in respect to neutral nations 1
KZ6422 .J47 1928i American neutrality and international police 1
KZ6422 .N36 1915 The rights of neutrals address on the rights of neutrals in the light of the new problems presented by the present European War, before the Governing Board of the Pan American Union, at Washington, December 8, 1914 / 1
KZ6422 .N48 1936i Neutrality and collective security 1
KZ6422 .R47 2009 Les ressources des faibles : neutralités, sauvegardes, accomodements en temps de guerre : XVIe-XVIIIe siècle / 1
KZ6422 .S67 2014 The international law concept of neutrality in the 21st century : an analysis of contemporary neutrality with a focus on Switzerland / 1