Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ7220 .B74 2018 Transnational Terrorist Groups and International Criminal Law. 1
KZ7220 .B74 2019 Transnational terrorist groups and international criminal law / 1
KZ7220 .B76 2011 Fighting monsters : British-American war-making and law-making / 1
KZ7220 .C64 2015 Comparative counter-terrorism law / 1
KZ7220 .C677 2016 Counter-terrorism and international law / 1
KZ7220 .C6775 2013 Counter-terrorism strategies in a fragmented international legal order : meeting the challenges / 2
KZ7220 .C68 2011 Courts and terrorism : nine nations balance rights and security / 1
KZ7220 .C68 2011eb Courts and terrorism : nine nations balance rights and security / 1
KZ7220 .C68 2013i Counter-terrorism, human rights and the rule of law crossing legal boundaries in defence of the state / 1
KZ7220 .D43 2019 Peremptory norms of general international law (jus cogens) and the prohibition of terrorism / 1
KZ7220 .D46 2017eb Counter-terrorism and the prospects of human rights : securitizing difference and dissent / 1
KZ7220 .F45 2016 Sovereignty in the age of global terrorism : the role of international organisations / 2
KZ7220 .F54 2022 Between Crime and War Hybrid Legal Frameworks for Asymmetric Conflict. 1
KZ7220 .F54 2022i Between crime and war hybrid legal frameworks for asymmetric conflict / 1
KZ7220 .F86 2014 The fundamentals of counterterrorism law / 1
KZ7220 .G85 2007 Global perspectives on counterterrorism / 1
KZ7220 .G85 2011 Global perspectives on counterterrorism / 1
KZ7220 .I57 2001i International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism 1
KZ7220 .I57 2008i International instruments related to the prevention and suppression of international terrorism 1
KZ7220 .J36 2020 Terrorism, Criminal Law and Politics : the decline of the political offence exception to extradition / 1