Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZ7476 .C63 2015 Amnesty after atrocity? : healing nations after genocide and war crimes / 1
KZ7495 Justice for Victims before the International Criminal Court
The standing of victims in the procedural design of the International Criminal Court /
Victims of international crimes a interdisciplinary discourse /
KZ7495 .F858 2015 Victims' rights and advocacy at the International Criminal Court
Victims' rights and advocacy at the International Criminal Court /
KZ7495 .L49 2011 Procedural justice? : victim participation in international criminal proceedings / 1
KZ7495 .M44 2019 Judging justice : how victim witnesses evaluate international courts / 1
KZ7495 ebook Conmemoración de la Carta Magna de Naciones Unidas para las Víctimas, 1985-2015 / 1
KZ8545.4 .C64 1909 The Declaration of London; a lecture delivered at University college, Gower street. 1
KZ2391932 Shufeldt claim : claim of the United States of America on behalf of P.W. Shufeldt v. the Republic of Guatemala. 1
KZ2391989 Litigation strategy at the International Court : a case study of the Nicaragua v. United States dispute / 1
KZ3571924 .A2 1924i Treaty for the Suppression of Smuggling Operations along the International Boundary between the Dominion of Canada and the United States and Assisting in the Arrest and Prosecution of Persons Violating the Narcotic Laws of Either Government and for Kindred Purposes 1
KZ3571924 .A2 1925i Convention of commerce between Canada and the Netherlands Convention de commerce entre le Canada et les Pays-Bas. 1
KZ3571929 .A2 1929i Sockeye salmon fisheries convention between Canada and the United States for the protection, preservation and extension of the sockeye salmon fisheries in the Fraser River system, signed at Washington on the 27th day of March, 1929. 1
KZ3661878bi Tratados y convenciones celebrados y no ratificados por la República mexicana con un apendice que contiene varios documentos importantes. 1
KZ3661878i Tratados y convenciones concluidos y ratificados por la República Mexicana desde su independencia hasta el año actual con un apendice que contiene varios documentos importantes. 1
KZ3661879i Leyes, decretos y ordenes que forman el derecho internacional mexicano o que se relacionan con el Mismo. 1
KZ3671893 .G66 1894i El tratado sobre Belice, considerado en el terreno practico y bajo el punto de vista constitucional 2
KZ6361726i Acta regia: or, An historical account, in order of time not only of those records in Rymer's Foedera, on which Mons. Rapin has grounded his History of England; but of several grants from the Crown, summons's to Parliament and convocation, royal mandates to the clergy and laity for general masses, subsidies, &c. proclamations and memorials of divers kinds, Conge d'Elires, dispensations for marriages, and numerous other publick acts relating to particular families, and our own domestick affairs: from the reign of King Henry the First, to that of King Charles the First : which never yet appeared elsewhere in the English tongue : and which are absolutely necessary to be known by all that read Rapin's, or any other history of England / 1
KZ6371686 .A2 1686i Treaty of peace, good correspondence & neutrality in America between the Most Serene and Mighty Prince James II, by the grace of God, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c., and the Most Serene and Mighty Prince Lewis XIV, the Most Christian King : concluded the 6/16th day of Novemb. 1686. 1
KZ6371885 .A2 1885i Déclaration relative a la liberté du commerce dans le bassin du Congo, ses embouchures et pays circonvoisins, et dispositions connexes Déclaration concernant la traite des esclaves ; Déclaration relative a la neutralité des territoires compris dans le bassin conventionnel du Congo ; Acte de navigation du Congo ; Déclaration relative aux conditions essentielles a remplir pour que des occupations nouvelles sur les côtes du continent africain soient considérées comme effectives ; Dispositions générales. 1
KZ6371885 .A2 1892i General act of the conference at Berlin of the plenipotentiaries of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden and Norway, Turkey, and the United States respecting, (1) freedom of trade in the basin of the Congo; (2) the slave trade; (3) neutrality of the territories in the basin of the Congo; (4) navigation of the Congo; (5) navigation of the Niger; and (6) rules for future occupation on the coasts of the African continent : signed at Berlin, February 26, 1885. 1