Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZA1145 .H39 2008 Oceans governance in the twenty-first century : managing the blue planet / 1
KZA1145 .H54 1943 The international law of the sea / 1
KZA1145 .H54 1959 The international law of the sea. 1
KZA1145 .H54 1962 The international law of the sea / 1
KZA1145 .H54 1967 The international law of the sea / 1
KZA1145 .H84 2009 Hugo Grotius mare liberum 1609-2009 / 1
KZA1145 .I579 2014eb International law of the sea : current trends and controversial issues / 1
KZA1145 .I58 1986 International and United States documents on oceans law and policy / 1
KZA1145 .I58 2017 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents 1
KZA1145 .I585 2018 Pleadings, Minutes of Public Sittings and Documents 1
KZA1145 (INTERNET) The sea-lavv of Scotland shortly gathered and plainly dressit for the reddy vse of all seafairingmen.
An abridgement of all sea-lavves gathered forth of all writings and monuments, which are to be found among any people or nation, upon the coasts of the great Ocean and Mediterranean Sea : and specially ordered and disposed for the use and benefit of all benevolent sea-farers, within his Majesties dominions of Great Brittain, Ireland, and the adjacent isles thereof /
KZA1145 .J87 1709i A general treatise of the dominion of the sea and a compleat body of the sea-laws : containing what is most valuable on that subject in antient and modern authors ; and particularly the antient laws of the Rhodians and Romans; those of Oleron, Wisbury, and other countries; with curious notes and observations : as also that excellent body of sea laws lately publish'd in France : with a collection of marine treaties concluded during the last century : together with several discourses about the jurisdiction and manner of proceeding in the admiralty of England, both in criminal and civil matters, and adjudg'd cases in several courts concerning trade and navigation : in all which are explain'd at large, the laws and customs of merchants, and of the courts in cases of bottmry, insurances, charter-parties, bills of lading, pyracy, and of letters of marque and reprizal : to which is subjoin'd, an appendix concerning the present state and regulations of the Admiralty and Navy. 1
KZA1145 .J87 1710i A general treatise of the dominion of the sea and a compleat body of the sea-laws : containing what is most valuable on that subject in antient and modern authors ; and particularly the antient laws of the Rhodians and Romans; those of Oleron, Wisbury, and other countries; with curious notes and observations : as also that excellent body of sea laws lately publish'd in France : with a collection of marine treaties concluded during the last century : together with several discourses about the jurisdiction and manner of proceeding in the admiralty of England, both in criminal and civil matters, and adjudg'd cases in several courts concerning trade and navigation : in all which are explain'd at large, the laws and customs of merchants, and of the courts in cases of bottmry, isurances, charter-parties, bills of lading, pyracy, and of letters of marque and reprized : to which Is subjoin'd, an appendix concerning the present state and regulations of the Admiralty and Navy. 1
KZA1145 .K387 2012 Dispute Resolution in the Law of the Sea. 1
KZA1145 .K54 2011i Maritime security and the law of the sea 1
KZA1145 .K55 The law of the sea : cases, documents, and readings / 1
KZA1145 .K58 2011  
KZA1145 .L379 2000 Law of the sea : the common heritage and emerging challenges / 1
KZA1145 .L383 2015 Law of the sea : from Grotius to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea : liber amicorum Judge Hugo Caminos / 1
KZA1145 .L385 2006 The law of the sea progress and prospects / 2