Call Number (LC) Title Results
KZD5652 .D57 1987i Disarmament problems related to outer space / 1
KZD5652 .V47 1986i Prevention of the arms race in outer space 1
KZD5680.21963 .U55 1963i Nuclear test ban treaty hearings before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, Eighty-eighth Congress, first session, on Executive M, 88th Congress, 1st session : the treaty banning nuclear weapon tests in the atmosphere, in outer space, and underwater, signed at Moscow on August 5, 1963, on behalf of the United States of America, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 1
KZZ1 .R23 1982 Joint ventures in Mexico / 1
L Cuerpos de la educación social
The language of social studies education : an expanded glossary of key terms and concepts /
PROYECTO DOCENTE diversidad y respuesta psiocopedagogica, plan de trabajo.
The Emergence of the Digital Humanities.
Empirical Research in Statistics Education.
Cómo criar hijos tiranos : manual de antiayuda para padres de niños y adolescentes /
Docentes y Competencia Emprendedora. la Necesidad de una Adecuada Formación Del Profesorado
Engaging boys in active literacy : evidence and practice /
Formación práctica para educadores y educadoras /
Inclusion, diversity, and intercultural dialogue in young people's philosophical inquiry /
ABC's of Science
L-1 Land use and land cover, 1975, Tacoma, Washington / 1
L1-991 Leveraging Social Capital in Systemic Education Reform
Entrepreneurial music education professional learning in schools and the industry /
The future of university education
Understanding and Developing Science Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge /
Putting Knowledge to Work and Letting Information Play /
Encyclopedia of Language and Education : Research Methods in Language and Education.
Miracle of Education : the Principles and Practices of Teaching and Learning in Finnish Schools.
Application of Management Theories for STEM Education : the Case of SWOT Analysis /
Mathematics Education in a Context of Inequity, Poverty and Language Diversity : Giving Direction and Advancing the Field /
Reflections on Academic Lives : Identities, Struggles, and Triumphs in Graduate School and Beyond.
Classroom behaviour management in the post-school sector : student and teacher perspectives on the battle against being educated /
Instructional design for learning : theoretical foundations /
Hans-Jürgen Syberberg, the film director as critical thinker essays and interviews /
From Exclusion to Excellence : Building Restorative Relationships to Create Inclusive Schools.
Women of Influence in Education : Practising Dilemmas and Contesting Spaces.
Negotiating neoliberalism : developing alternative educational visions.
Sustainability, human well-being, and the future of education /
Global and Local Internationalization
Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses the Transformation of Higher Education.
Researching and transforming adult learning and communities : the local/global context /
Cracking Facebook the importance of understanding technology-based communication /
The Basics of Caring Research /
Out-of-Field Teaching Practices: What Educational Leaders Need to Know.
Popular culture as pedagogy : research in the field of adult education /
Kenyan youth education in colonial and post-colonial times : Joseph Kamiru Gikubu's Impact.
Internationalization of higher education : an analysis through spatial, network, and mobilities theories /
Successful Global Collaborations in Higher Education Institutions
Quality of Teacher Education and Learning : Theory and Practice.
Literature, pedagogy, and curriculum in secondary education : examples from France /
Drawing as Language : Celebrating the Work of Bob Steele /
Diversity in Japanese Education.
Mobile learning design : theories and applications /
Disaffection with school mathematics /
Our international education : stories of living, teaching and parenting abroad /
Quality Learning : Teachers Changing Their Practice.
Rethinking the Public-Private Mix in Higher Education : Global Trends and National Policy Challenges.
Sustainable Transformation in African Higher Education: Research, Governance, Gender, Funding, Teaching and Learning in the African University.
Modeling and measuring competencies in higher education : approaches to challenges in higher education policy and practice /
Media literacy education in China /
Classroom Writing Assessment and Feedback in L2 School Contexts
English Medium Instruction in Higher Education in Asia-Pacific: From Policy to Pedagogy.
Being A Teacher in the 21st Century: A Critical New Zealand Research Study.
Ideology, Agency, and Intercultural Communicative Competence: A Stratified Look into EFL Education in Japan.
Reflective Theory and Practice in Teacher Education.
University-community engagement in the Asia-Pacific : public benefits beyond individual degrees /
Deterritorializing/Reterritorializing : Critical Geography of Educational Reform /
Global Challenges, National Initiatives, and Institutional Responses : the Transformation of Higher Education.
Dance on the Historically Black College Campus : The Familiar and the Foreign.
Contemporary Themes in Humanities Higher Education /
STEPS to STEM : a science curriculum supplement for upper elementary and middle school grades /
International perspectives on teaching rival histories : pedagogical responses to contested narratives and the history wars /
Teacher Empowerment Toward Professional Development and Practices: Perspectives Across Borders.
Flexible Scripting to Facilitate Knowledge Construction in Computer-supported Collaborative Learning.
Why multimodal literacy matters : (re)conceptualizing literacy and wellbeing through singing-infused multimodal, intergenerational curricula /
Women, economic development, and higher education Tools in the Reconstruction and Transformation of Post-Apartheid South Africa.
Low-Fat Love : Expanded Anniversary Edition /
Learning Strategies in Engineering Mathematics : Conceptualisation, Development, and Evaluation of MP²-MathePlus.
Students, teachers, and leaders addressing bullying in schools /
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms
International Students in French Universities and Grandes Écoles.
Working with Text and Around Text in Foreign Language Environments.
Universities, Employability and Human Development.
Quality Assurance in Asia-Pacific Universities : Implementing Massification in Higher Education.
Muslims, Schooling and Security : Trojan Horse, Prevent and Racial Politics.
Flagship Universities in Africa.
Recruiting International Students in Higher Education : Representations and Rationales in British Policy.
A year in the life of a third space urban teacher residency : using inquiry to reinvent teacher education /
The Struggles of Identity, Education, and Agency in the Lives of Undocumented Students : the Burden of Hyperdocumentation.
Transdisciplinarity in mathematics education : blurring disciplinary boundaries /
Navigating educational change in China : contemporary history and lived experiences /
Redesigning learning for greater social impact : Taylor's 9th Teaching and Learning Conference 2016 proceedings /
Art, disobedience, and ethics : the adventure of pedagogy /
Teachers' professional development on problem solving : theory and practice for teachers and teacher educators /
Experiences of Women of Color in an Elite US Public School.
Critical storytelling in uncritical times : undergraduates share their stories in higher education /
Educational Sovereignty and Transnational Exchanges in Post-Secondary Indonesian Education.
Integrating information and communication technologies in English for specific purposes /
Self-Narrative and Pedagogy Stories of Experience within Teaching and Learning /
Seeking Wisdom in Adult Teaching and Learning an Autoethnographic Inquiry.
Application of Management Theories for STEM Education : the Case of SWOT Analysis.
Family cultural capital and student achievement : theoretical insights from PISA /
eLearning for quality teaching in higher education teachers' perception, practice, and interventions /
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business II : In Search of Quality /
Information and Communication Technology and the Teacher of the Future : IFIP TC3 / WG3.1 & WG3.3 Working Conference on ICT and the Teacher of the Future January 27-31, 2003, Melbourne, Australia /
Information and Communication Technologies in Education : the School of the Future. IFIP TC3/WG3.1 International Conference on The Bookmark of the School of the Future April 9-14, 2000, Viña del Mar, Chile /
The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting : Volume II /
The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting : Volume IX /
The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting : Volume VIII /
The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting : Volume XI /
Microelectronics Education : Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on Microelectronics Education, held in Lausanne, Switzerland, April 15-16, 2004 /
Higher Order Thinking in Science Classrooms: Students' Learning and Teachers' Professional Development /
The Virtual Campus : Trends for higher education and training /
Finnish innovations and technologies in schools : a guide towards new ecosystems of learning /
Family stories, poetry and women's work : knit four, frog one (poems) /
The teacher, literature and the Mediterranean /
Special Education Law : a Guide for Parents, Advocates, and Educators /
We Only Talk Feminist Here : Feminist Academics, Voice and Agency in the Neoliberal University.
Access to higher education : understanding global inequalities /
PhD by Published Work A Practical Guide for Success.
Getting Published Academic Publishing Success.
I Hope I Don't See You Tomorrow a Phenomenological Ethnography of the Passages Academy School Program /
Interplay of Creativity and Giftedness in Science
Fantasy Literature Challenging Genres.
Arguing to Learn : Confronting Cognitions in Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Environments /
Encyclopedia of Language and Education Language Policy and Political Issues in Education /
Distance Learning : On the Design of an Open University /
Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education /
Key Qualifications in Work and Education /
Nine Years Old /
Education in Developing Countries Rotterdam, 18-20 November 1963 /
International Perspectives on Competence in the Workplace : Research, Policy and Practice /
International Handbook on Geographical Education /
Victimization in Schools /
Collective Choice in Education /
Student Development and Social Justice : Critical Learning, Radical Healing, and Community Engagement.
Engineering education through social innovation the contribution of professional societies /
Emerging technologies and pedagogies in the curriculum
International Medical Graduate and the United States Medical Residency Application a guide to achieving success /
Research and Innovation Forum 2019 : Technology, Innovation, Education, and Their Social Impact /
Decolonizing the Spirit in Education and Beyond Resistance and Solidarity /
The OECD's historical rise in education the formation of a global governing complex /
Disability inclusion and inclusive education
Higher Education and Development in Africa.
Re-Telling Our Stories Critical Autoethnographic Narratives /
Decolonizing the Spirit in Education and Beyond : Resistance and Solidarity /
Community-Based Healthcare : the Search for Mindful Dialogues /
Current perspectives on the TESOL Practicum cases from around the globe /
Entrepreneurial music education : professional learning in schools and the industry /
Investment in Early Childhood Education in a Globalized World Policies, Practices, and Parental Philosophies in China, India, and the United States.
Educational justice Liberal Ideals, Persistent Inequality, and the Constructive Uses of Critique /
Game-based assessment revisited
South African schooling the enigma of inequality : a study of the present situation and future possibilities /
Teaching Surrounded by Smart Phones
Internationalising the university a spiritual approach /
Employability via higher education sustainability as scholarship /
Inclusive education in African contexts : a critical reader /
Community-based healthcare;the search for mindful dialogues.
Children's exploration and cultural formation
Economic inequality, neoliberalism, and the american community college.
Sustainable transformation in African higher education : research, governance, gender, funding, teachinh and learning in the Arfrican university.
Self-Narrative and Pedagogy : Stories of Experience within Teaching and Learning /
Crafting a Global Field: Six Decades of the Comparative and International Education Society.
Unfolding afterglow : letters and conversations on teacher renewal /
Women, power relations, and education in a transnational world
Implementing sustainability in the curriculum of universities : approaches, methods and projects /
The impact of digitalization in the workplace : an educational view /
The future of education and labor
This Is Reading /
Narrative Skills of Dual Language Learners : Acquisition and Peer-Assisted Support in Early Childhood Education and Care.
Communications and Networking in Education Learning in a Networked Society /
Career Guidance and Livelihood Planning across the Mediterranean : Challenging Transitions in South Europe and the MENA Region.
Applied interdisciplinarity in scholar practitioner programs : narratives of social change /
Leaders in philosophy of education : intellectual self-portraits (second series) /
The Vulnerability of Teaching and Learning in a Selfie Society /
Assessment for Learning.
Critical Approaches to Education Policy Analysis: Moving Beyond Tradition.
Multicultural Education in Glocal Perspectives: Policy and Institutionalization.
The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting Volume XVIII /
Learning in School, Home and Community : ICT for Early and Elementary Education /
Troubling the teaching and learning of gender and sexuality diversity in South African Education /
Un-American Acts /
Mandarin competence of Chinese-English bilingual preschoolers : a corpus-based analysis of Singaporean children's speech /
Indigenous innovations in higher education : local knowledge and critical research /
Blue /
Early Childhood Education in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The Foxfire Approach: Inspiration for Classrooms and Beyond.
The Fractured Marketplace for Standardized Testing /
Early Childhood Education : an International Perspective /
Cautionary Tales in the Ethics of Lifelong Learning Policy and Management : a Book of Fables /
Learning the City : Cultural Approaches to Civic Learning in Urban Spaces /
Documentation in institutional contexts of early childhood normalisation, participation and professionalism /
Artist-Teachers in Context International Dialogues /
Fantasy Literature : Challenging Genres.
Elementary Mathematics from a Higher Standpoint : Volume I: Arithmetic, Algebra, Analysis.
Assessment for Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom : Taylor's 8th Teaching and Learning Conference 2015 Proceedings.
Open Spaces for Interactions and Learning Diversities.
Self-Study and Diversity II: Inclusive Teacher Education for a Diverse World.
Religious education in a global-local world /
Interventions in Learning Disabilities a Handbook on Systematic Training Programs for Individuals with Learning Disabilities.
American Circumstance Anniversary Edition /
Teaching and Learning on Screen : Mediated Pedagogies.
Project-based learning for academically-able students : Hwa Chong Institution in Singapore /
Shadow education and the curriculum and culture of schooling in South Korea
The Professional Doctorate A Practical Guide.
The Robot Factory : Pseudoscience in Education and Its Threat to American Democracy /
Understanding China's School Leadership
Native-Speakerism Its Resilience and Undoing /
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Multilingual Classrooms : Issues for Policy, Practice and Teacher Education /
Feather Boas, Black Hoodies, and John Deere Hats : Discussions of Diversity in K-12 and Higher Education.
Teaching for learning and learning for teaching : peer review of teaching in higher education /
Polyvocal professional learning through self-study research /
Critical storytelling in uncritical times : stories disclosed in a cultural foundations of education course /
Cracking Facebook : the importance of understanding technology-based communication /
Alternative schooling, social justice and marginalized students : teaching and learning in an alternative music school /
English language ideologies in Korea : interpreting the past and present /
Does Education Have a Future? : the Political Economy of Social and Educational Inequalities in European Society /
Adapting to teaching and learning in open-plan schools /
A Companion To Interdisciplinary Stem Project-Based Learning : For Educators by Educators.
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business VI : Teaching Today the Knowledge of Tomorrow /
Researching and Transforming Adult Learning and Communities: The Local/Global Context /
Mathematical modelling and applications : crossing and researching boundaries in mathematics education /
Revisiting multiculturalism in Canada : theories, policies and debates /
Interventions in Learning Disabilities : a Handbook on Systematic Training Programs for Individuals with Learning Disabilities.
Existentialism and Education : an Introduction to Otto Friedrich Bollnow.
Children's Images of Identity Drawing the Self and the Other.
Catholic Education: Distinctive and Inclusive /
Possible Futures of European Education Numerical and System's Forecasts /
Education and Division of Labour : Middle- and Long-Term Prospectives in European Technical and Vocational Education /
Perspectives in Primary Education /
Management Skills
Access to Education : New Possibilities /
Education and Civilization /
Internet Links for Science Education : Student-Scientist Partnerships /
Catholic Schools : Private and Social Effects /
Thoughts Concerning Education in the Works of Georg Christoph Lichtenberg : an Introductory Study in Comparative Education /
Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research /
From Mass to Universal Education : the Experience of the State of California and its Relevance to European Education in the Year 2000 /
Encyclopedia of Language and Education : Research Methods in Language and Education /
Special Education Yearbook of the European Association for Education Law and Policy /
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business III : Innovative Practices in Business Education /
Chance Encounters: Probability in Education /
Permanent Education : Project 1 Educating Man for the 21st Century /
A University of the Future /
Industrial Dynamics : Technological, Organizational, and Structural Changes in Industries and Firms /
Bilingual Education /
Philosophy and the Liberal Arts
Globalisation, Trade Liberalisation and Higher Education in North America : the Emergence of a New Market under NAFTA? /
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business : Educating Knowledge Workers for Corporate Leadership: Learning into the Future /
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business IV : Learning in a Changing Environment /
Philosophy of Educational Knowledge : an Introduction to the Foundations of Science of Education, Philosophy of Education and Practical Pedagogics /
Gender, Science and Mathematics : Shortening the Shadow /
Educational Innovation in Economics and Business : Pedagogy, Technology and Innovation /
The Higher Education Managerial Revolution? /
From the Eye of the Storm : Higher Education's Changing Institution /
Higher education for sustainability seeking intellectual independence in Aotearoa New Zealand /
Innovating world-class technology-oriented higher education in China ideas, strategies, and practices /
Feyerabend's epistemological anarchism how science works and its importance for science education /
The Curriculum Foundations Reader
Comprehensive Global Competence for World-Class Universities in China : Context, Concept, Model and Evaluation /
Working the Margins of Community-Based Adult Learning: The Power of Arts-Making in Finding Voice and Creating Conditions for Seeing/Listening /
Dreaming of a Place Called Home.
Basic and Advanced Statistical Tests : Writing Results Sections and Creating Tables and Figures.
The Vulnerability of Teaching and Learning in a Selfie Society
L1-991 .D48 2017eb Deterritorializing/Reterritorializing : Critical Geography of Educational Reform / 1
L 1.1: Annual report : fiscal year ... : report on performance and accountability /
Annual report of the Secretary of Labor.
Annual report fiscal year ... : report on performance and accountability /
Annual report of the Secretary of Labor
Annual report of the Commissioner of Labor.
Performance and accountability report.
L1.1-1 Ninth annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1921. 1
L 1.1/2: Annual construction industry report. 1
L1.1-2 Tenth annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1922. 1
L 1.1/3:  
L1.1-3 Eleventh annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1923. 1
L 1.1/4: Accountability report /
Annual report fiscal year ... : report on performance and accountability /
U.S. Department of Labor annual report fiscal year report on performance and accountability.
L1.1-4 Twelfth annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1924. 1
L1.1-5 Thirteenth annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1925. 1
L 1.1/6: Agency financial report. 1
L1.1-6 Fourteenth annual report of Secretary of Labor, for fiscal year ended June 30, 1926. 1
L 1.1/7: FY ... annual performance report. 1