Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 13.3:35 Women in Missouri industries : a study of hours and wages.
Women in Missouri industries; study of hours and wages
L 13.3:36 Radio talks on women in industry
Radio talks on women in industry.
L 13.3:37 Women in New Jersey industries; study of wages and hours
Women in New Jersey industries : a study of wages and hours.
L 13.3:38 Married women in industry
Married women in industry /
L 13.3:39 Domestic workers and their employment relations; study based on records of Domestic Efficiency Association of Baltimore, Md
Domestic workers and their employment relations : a study based on the records of the Domestic Efficiency Association of Baltimore, Maryland /
L 13.3:40 State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work
State laws affecting working women : hours, minimum wage, home work.
State laws affecting working women hours, minimum wage, home work.
State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work.
L 13.3:40-49 Women workers and family support : a study made by students in the economics course at the Bryn Mawr summer school under the direction of Prof. Amy Hewes. 1
L 13.3:40/supp State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work
State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work.
L13.3-40.1 State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work. 1
L13.3-40.2 State laws affecting working women; hours, minimum wage, home work. 1
L 13.3:41 Family status of breadwinning women in 4 selected cities; revision and extension of Bulletin 23
Family status of breadwinning women in four selected cities : revision and extension of Bulletin 23.
L 13.3:42 List of references on minimum wage for women in U.S. and Canada
List of references on minimum wage for women in the United States and Canada /
List of references on minimum wage for women in the United States and Canada
List of references on minimum wage for women in U.S. and Canada.
L13.3-42.1 List of references on minimum wage for women in U.S. and Canada. 1
L 13.3:43 Standard and scheduled hours of work for women in industry; study based on hour data from 13 States
Standard and scheduled hours of work for women in industry : a study based on hour data from 13 states.
L 13.3:44 Women in Ohio industries; study of hours and wages
Women in Ohio industries : a study of hours and wages.
L 13.3:45 Home environment and employment opportunities of women in coal-mine workers' families
Home environment and employment opportunities of women in coal- mine workers' families.
L 13.3:46 Facts about working women; graphic presentation based on census statistics and studies of Women's Bureau
Facts about working women : a graphic presentation based on census statistics and studies of the Women's Bureau /
Facts about working women : a graphic presentation based on census statistics and studies of the Women's Bureau.
L 13.3:47 Women in fruit-growing and canning industries in State of Washington; study of hours, wages, and conditions
Women in the fruit-growing and canning industries in the State of Washington : a study of hours, wages and conditions.
L 13.3:48 Women in Oklahoma industries; study of hours, wages, and working conditions
Women in Oklahoma industries : a study of hours, wages, and working conditions /
Women in Oklahoma industries : a study of hours, wages, and working conditions.
L 13.3:49 Women workers and family support : a study made by students in the economics course at the Bryn Mawr summer school under the direction of Prof. Amy Hewes.
Women workers and family support; study made by students in economics course at Bryn Mawr Summer School under direction of Prof. Amy Hewes