Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.136:M 86/L 82/998 Mountain states : forestry and logging survey, 1998. 1
L 2.136:N 41/B 23/998 State of Nevada : barber and beauty shops survey, October 1998. 1
L 2.136:N 42 M/B 23/998 State of New Mexico : barber and beauty shops survey, September 1998. 1
L 2.136:N 81 C/B 23/998 State of North Carolina : barber and beauty shops survey, September 1998. 1
L 2.136:OK 4/B 23/998 State of Oklahoma : barber and beauty shops survey, September 1998. 1
L 2.136:OR 3/L 82/998 State of Oregon : forestry and logging survey, 1998. 1
L 2.136:SO 8 C/B 23/998 State of South Carolina : barber and beauty shops survey, September 1998. 1
L 2.136:SO 8/F 76/997-98 Southeastern United States : forestry survey, 1997-98. 1
L 2.136:T 25/B 23/998 State of Tennessee : barber and beauty shops survey, August 1998. 1
L 2.136:T 31/B 23/998 State of Texas : barber and beauty shops survey, September 1998. 1
L 2.136:V 81/B 23/998 State of Virginia : barber and beauty shops survey, October 1998. 1
L 2.136:W 27/L 82/998 State of Washington : forestry and logging survey, 1998. 1
L 2.137: Notification of requirement to participate in the survey of occupational injuries and illnesses /
Notice of recordkeeping requirements for the ... survey of occupational injuries and illnesses.
Notification of requirement to participate in the survey of occupational injuries and illnesses.
Survey of occupational injuries and illnesses /
L 2.137/2: Survey of occupational injuries and illnesses /
Survey of occupational injuries and illnesses.
L 2.138:228 A state space model-based approach to intervention analysis in the seasonal adjustment of BLS series some empirical results / 1
L 2.138:243 An improved nonparametric test for misspecification of functional form 1
L 2.138:253 Wage adjustment in local labor markets do the wage rates in all industries adjust? / 1
L 2.138:260 Compensation in part-time jobs versus full-time jobs what if the job is the same? / 1
L 2.138:263 Improvements to the food at home, shelter, and prescription drug indexes in the U.S. consumer price index 1
L 2.138:264 What is a promotion? 1