Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.2:EA 7/ Gross average hourly earnings of production workers by industry (in dollars) 2
L 2.2:Ea 7/3/953 Technical note on the calculation and uses of the net spendable earnings series / 1
L 2.2:Ea 7/8/965 Employee earnings and hours in nonmetropolitan areas of the South and North Central regions, June 1965. 1
L 2.2:Ea 7/10 Employee earnings and hours in selected small metropolitan areas of the South, June 1965. 1
L 2.2:Ec 7/5/978 Ecology and your career / 1
L 2.2:EC 7/8/ TED : the economics daily. 1
L 2.2:ED 8/2 Cooperative education and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1
L 2.2:ED 8/3 Timeless education for a future world : career and technical student organizations. 1
L 2.2:Em 7/6/929-39 Employment and Pay Rolls of State and Local Governments, 1929-1939. 1
L 2.2:Em 7/25 Guide to employment statistics of BLS ; employment, hours and earnings, labor turnover / 1
L 2.2:Em 7/38 The relationship between imports and employment ; an analysis of 27 import-competing industries, and 2 industry case studies. 1
L 2.2:EM 7/40/  
L 2.2:Em 7/40/ CETA area employment and unemployment. 1
L 2.2:Em 7/42 The Current employment statistics survey : CES, a key monthly indicator of changes in the economy. 1
L 2.2:Em 7/44 The Current employment statistics survey. 1
L 2.2:Em 7/44/988 The Current employment statistics survey. 1
L 2.2:EM 7/45 Survey of employer provided training, 1993 / 1
L 2.2:Em 7/46 The Employment cost index and the employee benefits survey. 1
L 2.2:EM 7/47/995 Employment cost index and employee benefits survey : a chartbook. 1
L 2.2:EM 7/48 Mental health and substance abuse treatment benefits. 1