Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.28:6 Southern California aircraft workers in wartime / 1
L 2.29:B 12/9 Union wage scales in the building trades, 1946. 1
L 2.29:B 12/Se 1x/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Seattle, Wash. 1
L 2.29:B 12/Sp 65x/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Spokane, Wash. 1
L 2.29:B 17 Union Wage Scales : Bakery Trades, 1945.
Union wage scales : bakery trades, 1945.
L 2.29:B 64 Union wage scales, book and job printing trades, 1945. 1
L 2.29:B 86/946-2 Union wage scales, building trades, July 1, 1946. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Ba/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Baltimore, MD. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Bi/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Birmingham, ALA. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Bu/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Buffalo, N.Y. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Chi/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Chicago, Ill. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Cl/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Cleveland, Ohio. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Den/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Denver, Colo. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Er/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Erie, PA. 1
L 2.29:B 86/In/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Indianapolis, Indiana. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Los/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Los Angeles, Calif. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Newa/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Newark, N.J. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Newh/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, New Haven, Conn. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Newy/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, New York, N.Y. 1
L 2.29:B 86/Om/ Union scales of wages and hours in the building trades, Omaha, Nebraska. 1