Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.3:847 Union agreements in the tobacco industry, January 1945.
Union agreements in the tobacco industry, January 1945 /
L 2.3:848 Earnings and wage practices in municipal governments of 15 cities, 1944 /
Earnings and wage practices in municipal governments of 15 cities, 1944.
L 2.3:850 Activities of credit unions in 1944. 1
L 2.3:851 Wartime prices, price control, and rationing in foreign countries.
Wartime prices, price control, and rationing in foreign countries /
L 2.3:852 War and postwar wages, prices, and hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44 /
War and postwar wages, prices, and hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44.
L 2.3:853 Family allowances in various countries, 1944-45 /
Family allowances in various countries, 1944-45.
L 2.3:854 Wages in the basic lumber industry, 1944. 2
L 2.3:855 Injuries and accident causes in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1943.
Injuries and accident causes in the slaughtering and meat-packing industry, 1943 /
L 2.3:857 Impaired workers in industry : the comparative performance of impaired workers and their able-bodied fellow workers. 2
L 2.3:858 Organization and management of cooperative and mutual housing associations. 2
L 2.3:860 Trends in Urban Wage Rates, April to October 1945.
Trends in urban wage rates April to October 1945.
L2.3..860 Trends in Urban Wage Rates, April to October 1945. 1
L 2.3:861 Wage structure in the machinery industries, January 1945. 2
L 2.3:863 Postwar outlook for physicians.
Postwar outlook for physicians /
L 2.3:864 Employment situation in certain foreign countries.
Employment situation in certain foreign countries /
L 2.3:865 Extent of collective bargaining and union recognition, 1945. 1
L 2.3:866 Wage structure of the fabricated structural steel industry, January 1945. 2
L 2.3:867 Wage structure in bituminous-coal mining, fall of 1945. 2
L 2.3:868 Wage structure of the machine-tool accessories industry, January 1945. 2
L 2.3:869 Workmen's compensation and the protection of seamen. 2