Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 2.71/3: The Outlook for collective bargaining in New England in ... /
New England labor and the economy at the year-end /
L 2.71:3 New nonfarm residential construction : construction activity no. 1 in the 1947 interindustry relations study / 1
L 2.71/3:75-2 The colonial worker in Boston, 1775 / 1
L 2.71/3:75-3  
L 2.71/3:75-6 New England occupational projections to 1980. 1
L 2.71/3:76-3  
L 2.71/3:80-4 Municipal government wage surveys : Boston, Massachusetts, October 1979. 1
L 2.71/3:81-3 A Generation of change in the New England employment structure, 1947-79 / 1
L 2.71/4: Municipal government wage survey, Milwaukee, Wisconsin /
Municipal government wage survey, Indianapolis, Indiana /
Municipal government wage survey, Cleveland, Ohio /
Municipal government wage survey, Chicago, Illinois /
Union contract expirations in the North Central Region /
Municipal government wage survey, Columbus, Ohio /
L 2.71:4 Case study data on productivity and factory performance, men's winter suits and topcoats : based on reports submitted by 10 selected winter suit plants and 6 selected topcoat plants / 1
L 2.71/4:73-1 Occupational wage survey, Ohio, February 1972. 1
L 2.71/4:73-5 Municipal government wage survey, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 1972. 1
L 2.71/4:73-6 Earnings for occupations in hospitals, Ohio, February 1972. 1
L 2.71/4:75-3 State government wage survey, Illinois, Spring 1975 / 1
L 2.71/4:75-5 Publications on the construction industry. 1
L 2.71/4:76-4 State government wage survey, Michigan, May 1976. 1
L 2.71:5 Employment in metalworking industries by size of firm: quarterly employment in selected metalworking industries by size of establishment, October 1951 to October 1952. 1
L 2.71/5-2:92-1  
L 2.71/5-2:92-2  
L 2.71/5-2:92-3