Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 22.10:790/P93 General statement as to the effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L 22.10: 791/965 Joint employment relationship under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended. 1
L 22.10:793 Exemption of certain radio and television station employees from overtime pay requirements under section 13(b)(9) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. 1
L 22.10:794/3 Wholesale or bulk distribution of petroleum products by certain enterprises ; employment exempt from overtime pay requirements of Fair Labor Standards Act Under Section 13(b)(10) under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended / 1
L 22.10:794/968 Wholesale or bulk distribution of petroleum products by certain enterprises ; employment exempt from overtime pay requirements of Fair Labor Standards Act Under Section 13(b)(10) under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended / 1
L 22.10:860 Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 / 1
L 22.10:F 22 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to the Farmers' Cooperative Associations, Sept. 1947. 1
L 22.10:F 76 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Interpretation of That Portion of Section of 3 (f) of the Fair Labor Standards Act Which Refers to Forestry or Lumbering Operations Incident to or in Conjunction With Farming Operations, Sept. 1947. 1
L22.10..F22 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to the Farmers' Cooperative Associations, Sept. 1947. 1
L22.10..F76 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Interpretation of That Portion of Section of 3 (f) of the Fair Labor Standards Act Which Refers to Forestry or Lumbering Operations Incident to or in Conjunction With Farming Operations, Sept. 1947. 1
L 22.10:M 85 (Interpretative Bulletin) General statement an to the Exemption from the Maximum Hours Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act for Certain Employees of Motor Carriers (Section 13 (b) (1)), Apr. 1948. 1
L22.10..M85 (Interpretative Bulletin) General statement an to the Exemption from the Maximum Hours Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act for Certain Employees of Motor Carriers (Section 13 (b) (1)), Apr. 1948. 1
L 22.10:OV 2 Overtime compensation under the Fair labor standards act of 1938, as amended. 1
L 22.10:P 29 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Methods of Payment Under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Application of Section 3 (m) Thereto, Jan. 1948. 1
L 22.10:P 83 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Nov. 1947.
General statement as to the effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.
L22.10..P29 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Methods of Payment Under the Fair Labor Standards Act and the Application of Section 3 (m) Thereto, Jan. 1948. 1
L22.10..P83 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Nov. 1947. 1
L22.10..Se1 (Interpretative Bulletin) Seamen Exemption, General Statement as to the Scope and Applicability of the Exemption Provided by Section 13 (a) (3) of Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Sept. 1947. 1
L 22.10:Se 1 (Interpretative Bulletin) Seamen Exemption, General Statement as to the Scope and Applicability of the Exemption Provided by Section 13 (a) (3) of Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, Sept. 1947. 1
L 22.10:W 12 (Interpretative Bulletin) General Statement as to the Coverage of the Wage and Hours Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, July 1947. 1