Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
L 22.2:L 48/3 | An economic report on the leather, leather goods, and related products industry in Puerto Rico. | 1 |
L22.2..L11 | Basic labor standards under the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act of 1936. | 1 |
L 22.2:M 28/3/968 | How the Fair Labor Standards Act and the McNamara-O'Hara Service Contract Act apply to contract mail haulers / | 1 |
L 22.2:M 31 | Manufacturing industries : a study to evaluate the minimum wage and maximum hours standards of the Fair Labor Standards Act : report submitted to Congress in accordance with the requirements of section 4(d) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. | 1 |
L 22.2:M 56/2 | Data pertinent to review of minimum wage rates below $1.60 established under the Fair labor standards act in -- the metal, machinery, transportation equipment, and allied products industry in Puerto Rico. | 1 |
L 22.2:M 66/2 | Studies of the economic effects of the $1.00 minimum wage : interim report. | 1 |
L 22.2:M 66/3 | What crew leaders and contractors of farm workers should know about minors employed in agriculture under the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended in 1966 / | 1 |
L 22.2:M 85 | Motor carriers : a study to evaluate the need for and feasibility of extending overtime provisions to employees of motor carriers, submitted to the Congress, January, 1966. | 1 |
L 22.2:N 73 | Nonsupervisory employees in state & local governments. | 1 |
L 22.2:N 93 |
Nursing homes and related facilities : a study of the economic effects of the $1.15 minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act, submitted to the Congress, 1969. Nursing homes and related facilities ; a study to evaluate the feasibility of extending minimum wage and overtime protection under the Fair labor standards act, submitted to the Congress, January, 1966. |
2 |
L 22.2:N 93/2 | Nursing homes and related facilities : a study of the economic effects of the $1.15 minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act, submitted to the Congress, 1969. | 1 |
L 22.2:N 93/969x | Nursing homes and related facilities : a study of the economic effects of the $1.15 minimum wage under the Fair Labor Standards Act, submitted to the Congress, 1969. | 1 |
L 22.2:Ov 2/2 | Premium payments for overtime under the Fair labor standards act, November 1967. | 1 |
L 22.2:Ov 2/3 | Coefficient tables for computing extra halftime for overtime. | 1 |
L 22.2:Ov 2/4 | Overtime compensation under the Fair Labor Standards act, March 1971 / | 1 |
L 22.2:Ov 2/966 | Highlights on computing overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act as amended in 1966. | 1 |
L 22.2:R 13 | The railroad, railway express, and property motor transport industry in Puerto Rico / | 1 |
L 22.2:R 31/2 | Restaurants and other food service enterprises : data pertinent to an evaluation of the need for feasibility of applying statutory minimum wage and maximum hours standards. | 1 |
L 22.2:R 31/2/964 | Restaurants and other food service enterprises : data pertinent to an evaluation of the need for the feasibility of extending the minimum wage / | 1 |
L 22.2:R 31/4/966 | Retail trade ; a study to measure the effects of the minimum wage and maximum hours standards of the Fair labor standards act. Submitted to the Congress, January 1966. | 1 |