Call Number (LC) Title Results
L 37.22/2:99-A An evaluation of the JTPA Section 401 Indian and Native American Program 2
L 37.22/2:99-B National Job Corps study report on the process analysis / 1
L 37.22/2:99-C The Lifelong Learning Demonstration final evaluation report on the experimental site / 1
L 37.22/2:99-E State financed and customized training programs 1
L 37.23: Training and employment report of the Secretary of Labor. 2
L 37.23:986-87  
L 37.24:T 68 TAP, Transition Assistance Program. 1
L 37.25:OC 1/CD O*NET 98 keeping pace with today's changing workplace.
O*NET the occupational information network.
L 37.25:OC 1/DICTIO O*NET 98 keeping pace with today's changing workplace.
O*NET the occupational information network.
L 37.25:OC 1/GUIDE O*NET 98 keeping pace with today's changing workplace.
O*NET the occupational information network.
L 37.25:Y 8/2 Assessment for at-risk youth a practitioner's guide to definitions, guiding principles, and implementation strategies : a companion document to the Assessment trainers' tool kit / 1
L 37.25:Y 8/3 A Guide to Program design options for serving at-risk youth a companion piece to the Program options tool-kit for at-risk youth / 1
L 37.25:Y 8/SUM./FLOPPY Assessment for at-risk youth a decision maker's summary / 1
L 37.26: Ideas that work / 1
L 37.27:2002-06 Youth Offender Demonstration Project process evaluation (final report) 1
L 37.27:2002-07 Design, implementation, and evaluation of the Work First profiling pilot project 1
L 37.27:2002-09 Evaluation of the Significant Improvement Demonstration Grants for the provision of reemployment services for UI claimants final report / 1
L 37.27:2002-10 Analysis of the WIA allotment formula for distributing funds to the states final report / 1
L 37.27:2003-01 Unemployment insurance non-monetary policies and practices how do they affect program participation? : a study of 8 states : final report / 1
L 37.27:2003-02 Profiling UI claimants to allocate reemployment services evidence and recommendations for states : final report / 1