L 37.27:2008-14
Process evaluation of the demand-side Youth Offender Demonstration Project (phase II) final report / |
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L 37.27:2009-01
Ready4work final research report / |
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L 37.27:2009-02
Registered apprenticeship findings from site visits to five states / |
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L 37.27:2009-03
Evaluation of the prisoner re-entry initiative final report / |
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L 37.27:2009-04
An evaluation of the Latino Coalition's Reclamando Nuestro Futuro (Reclaiming our Future) program |
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L 37.27:2009-05
The effort to implement the Youth Offender Demonstration Project (YODP) impact evaluation lessons and implications for future research : final report / |
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L 37.27:2009-06
Giving ex-offenders a choice in life first findings from the beneficiary choice demonstration / |
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L 37.27:2009-07
An analysis of unemployment insurance non-filers 2005 CPS supplement results / |
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L 37.27:2009-8
Assisting newcomers through employment and support services an evaluation of the New Americans Centers Demonstration Project in Arkansas and Iowa : interim report / |
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L 37.27:2009-9
Trends in the structure of the labor market and unemployment implications for U.S. unemployment insurance / |
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L 37.27:2009-10
Workforce Investment Act non-experimental net impact evaluation final report. |
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L 37.27:2009-11
Evaluation of the YouthBuild Youth Offender Grants |
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L 37.27:2009-12
The benefits and challenges of registered apprenticeship the sponsors' perspective / |
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L 37.27:2009-13
Recent changes in the characteristics of unemployed workers |
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L 37.27:2009-14
Initial implementation of the Trade Act of 2002 a report prepared as part of the evaluation of the trade adjustment assistance program / |
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L 37.27:2009-15
Assessment, case management, and post-training assistance for TAA participants an occasional paper prepared as part of the evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program / |
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L 37.27:2009-16
Linkages between TAA, one-stop career center partners, and economic development agencies an occasional paper prepared as part of the evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program / |
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L 37.27:2009-17
Rapid response and TAA an occasional paper prepared as part of the evaluation of the Trade Adjustment Assistance program / |
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L 37.27:2009-18
The power of partnership American regions collaborating for economic competitiveness, 2009 Generation I WIRED Interim Evaluation Report. |
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L 37.27:2009-19
Nurturing America's growth in the global marketplace through talent development an interim report on the evaluation of Generations I and II or WIRED / |
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