Call Number (LC) Title Results
L5.22..20 Feeding your baby [1st year] 1
L 5.22:21 Your young child's health [1 to 6 years]
Your young child's health : (1 to 6 years)
L5.22..21 Your young child's health [1 to 6 years] 1
L 5.22:22 Your school child's health [6 to 16 years]
Your school child's health : (6 to 16 years)
L5.22..22 Your school child's health [6 to 16 years] 1
L 5.22:23 The noon meal at school. 1
L 5.22:23/1-2 The health of the child is the power of the nation : The noon meal at school. 1
L5.22..23_1-2 The health of the child is the power of the nation : The noon meal at school. 1
L 5.22:24 Your children's food and the family pocketbook. 1
L 5.22:24/1-2 The health of the child is the power of the nation : Your children's food and the family pocketbook. 1
L5.22..24_1-2 The health of the child is the power of the nation : Your children's food and the family pocketbook. 1
L 5.22:25 The health of the child is the power of the nation : substitutes for the sun.
Substitutes for the sun.
L5.22..25 The health of the child is the power of the nation : substitutes for the sun. 1
L 5.22:26 Ten questions answered about the child-labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L5.22..26 Ten questions answered about the child-labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L 5.22:26/3 Ten questions answered about the child-labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L5.22..26_3 Ten questions answered about the child-labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L 5.22:27 Hazardous occupations subject to a minimum age of 18 years under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L5.22..27 Hazardous occupations subject to a minimum age of 18 years under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1
L 5.22:27/2 Hazardous occupations subject to a minimum age of 18 years under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. 1