Call Number (LC) Title Results
LA1131 .S5 The role of education in postwar China. 1
LA1131 .S66 2016 Spotlight on China : Chinese education in the globalized world / 1
LA1131 .T37 1996 Zhongguo jiao yu gai zao / 1
LA1131 .T455 2002 A county of culture : twentieth-century China seen from the village schools of Zouping, Shandong / 1
LA1131 .T64 Toward a new world outlook : a documentary history of education in the People's Republic of China, 1949-1976 / 1
LA1131 .T735 1998 Zhongguo jiao yu shi xue jiu shi nian / 1
LA1131 .W335 1998 Shang shan xia xiang : yi chang jue ding 3000 wan Zhongguo ren ming yun di yun dong zhi mi / 1
LA1131.X843 L527 2008 "Xue ji" jie du / 1
LA1131 .Y334 2010 Xin zhi du yu da ge ming : yi jin dai zhi shi fen zi he jiao yu wei zhong xin = Xinzhidu yu dageming : yi jindai zhishi fenzi he jiaoyu wei zhongxin / 1
LA1131 .Y35 2003 Gao yu ren min / 1
LA1131 .Y3512 2003 Gao yu ren min / 1
LA1131 .Y5 Reconstruction of modern educational organizations in China / 1
LA1131 .Z443 2018eb China's education, curriculum knowledge and cultural inscriptions : dancing with the wind / 1
LA1131 .Z464 2003 Cong tu xiu cai dao yang bo shi / 1
LA1131.8 .B34 1990 Reform the people : changing attitudes towards popular education in early twentieth-century China / 1
LA1131.8 .B35 2019eb Fusion of East and West : children, education and a new China, 1902-1915 / 1
LA1131.8 .C35 1962 Zui jin san shi nian Zhongguo jiao yu shi / 1
LA1131.8 .C534 1995 Zhongguo jin dai jiao yu shi zi liao hui bian. 1
LA1131.8 .E38 1994 Education and society in late imperial China, 1600-1900 / 1
LA1131.8 .K36 1984 Tang dai Dong Ya jiao yu quan de xing cheng : Dong Ya shi jie xing cheng shi de yi ce mian / 1