LA227.3 .N43 no. 91
Campus fact books : keeping pace with new institutional needs and challenges / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 92
Assessing graduate and professional education : current realities, future prospects / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 93
Forecasting and managing enrollment and revenue : an overview of current trends, issues, and methods / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 94
Mobilizing for transformation : how campuses are preparing for the knowledge age / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 95
Researching student aid : creating an action agenda / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 96
Preventing lawsuits : the role of institutional research / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 97
Performance funding for public higher education : fad or trend? / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 98
Campus climate : understanding the critical components of today's colleges and universities / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 99
Quality assurance in higher education : an international perspective / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 100
Using teams in higher education : cultural foundations for productive change / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 101
A new era of alumni research : improving institutional performance and better serving alumni / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 102
Information technology in higher education : assessing its impact and planning for the future / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 103
How technology is changing institutional research / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 104
What is institutional research all about? : a critical and comprehensive assessment of the profession / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 105
What contributes to job satisfaction among faculty and staff / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 106
Analyzing costs in higher education : what institutional researchers need to know / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 107
Understanding the college choice of disadvantaged students / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 108
Collaboration between student affairs and institutional researchers to improve institutional effectiveness / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 109
The student ratings debate : are they valid? How can we best use them? / |
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LA227.3 .N43 no. 110
Measuring what matters : competency-based learning models in higher education / |
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