Call Number (LC) Title Results
LA227.3 .O55 On the meaning of the university / 2
LA227.3 .P32 The demise of diversity? : A comparative profile of eight types of institutions / 1
LA227.3 .P34 Planning for self-renewal : a new approach to planned organizational change / 1
LA227.3 .P35 U.S. higher education : a guide to information sources / 1
LA227.3 .P36 The writing on the wall : inside higher education in America / 2
LA227.3 .P364 1990 Dateline 2000 : the new higher education agenda / 2
LA227.3 P37 The American university / 1
LA227.3 .P54 Planning for higher education.
Nothing but praise : thoughts on the ties between higher education and the federal government /
LA227.3 .Q35 Quality--higher education's principal challenge / 2
LA227.3 .R4 To turn the tide / 1
LA227.3 .R5 Student attitudes and academic environments : a study of California higher education / 1
LA227.3 .R53 On higher education : the academic enterprise in an era of rising student consumerism / 1
LA227.3 .R53 1998 On higher education : the academic enterprise in an era of rising student consumerism / 1
LA227.3 .R63 1971 The halls of yearning : an indictment of formal education, a manifesto of student liberation /
The halls of yearning: an indictment of formal education, a manifesto of student liberation
LA227.3 R64 1985 Ethical problems in higher education / 1
LA227.3 .R65 A rating of graduate programs / 1
LA227.3 .S26 Undergraduate education : conflict and change / 1
LA227.3 .S32 1990 Education without compromise : from chaos to coherence in higher education / 1
LA227.3 .S33 Schooling and achievement in American society / 1
LA227.3 .S35 A students' survival manual; or, How to get an education despite it all
A students' survival manual, or, How to get an education despite it all /