Call Number (LC) Title Results
LA631.5 The Kings primer, containing easie and delightful directions for the reading of true English : a catechism, a brief account of the Old and New Testaments, sentences of scripture, and certain Godly prayers, beginning with the letters of the name of our Soveriegn Lord the King : with graces & several other varieties, meet and necessary for the instruction of youth.
From the undertakers of the Royal Academy finding a general approbation of the design of our late proposals for establishing a Royal Academy here in town ..
Educating the Child in Enlightenment Britain : Beliefs, Cultures, Practices /
Reading books, reading life the cultural practice and the literary representation of reading in Jane Austen's time /
A Genlis education and Enlightenment values : Mrs Chinnery (1766-1840) and her children /
LA631.5 .C73 1975 Education in Tudor and Stuart England / 1
LA631.5 .E17 1696 An easy method of supoprting and maintaining a public academy also of producing a surplus for other great services to the nation; humbly propos'd tothe consideration of both honorable Houses of Parliament. 1
LA631.5 .E34 2009 Educating the child in Enlightenment Britain : beliefs, cultures, practices / 1
LA631.5 .F35 1688 An impartial relation of the whole proceedings against St. Mary Magdalen Colledge in Oxon, in the year of our Lord 1687. Containing only matters of fact as they occurred. 1
LA631.5 .G74 2009eb Humanism and Protestantism in early modern English education /
Humanism and Protestantism in early modern English education
LA631.5 (INTERNET) The most natural and easie way of institution containing proposals for making a domestic education less chargeable to parents and more easie and beneficial to children : by which method, youth may not only make a very considerable progress in languages, but also in arts and sciences, in two years. 1
LA631.5 .J49 1998 Education in early modern England / 1
LA631.5 .M35 2016 Evangelical religion and popular education : a modern interpretation / 1
LA631.5 .N47 Popular education in eighteenth century England / 1
LA631.5 .P6 L'éducation en Angleterre entre 1750 et 1800. : Aperçu sur l'influence pédagogique de J.-J. Rousseau en Angleterre. 1
LA631.5 .R85 1687 The rules of the schools at the Savoy 1
LA631.5 .S25 1995 Education, economic change, and society in England, 1780-1870 / 1
LA631.5 .S84 1998 Education in Britain, 1750-1914 / 1
LA631.5 .U65 A certificat in order to the collecting and reporting the state of the present English free-schools. 1
LA631.5 .W3 Considerations concerning free-schools, as settled in England. 1
LA631.5 .W31 Considerations concerning free-schools as settled in England 2
LA631.7 The imperial curriculum : racial images and education in the British colonial experience /
Society and education in England since 1800
Education as history : interpreting nineteenth- and twentieth-century education /
LA631.7 .B46 1988 'Benefits bestowed'? : education and British imperialism / 1
LA631.7 .B46 2012eb Benefits bestowed? : education and British imperialism / 1