Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LB1025.2 .W46 1990 | What teachers need to know : the knowledge, skills, and values essential to good teaching / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .W52 1986 | Rethinking education : the coming age of enlightenment / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .W523 | Education and first principles : a historical perspective / | 2 |
LB1025.2 .W75 1988 | Understanding educational aims / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .W75 2017 | ||
LB1025.2 .W93 | Managing instructional problems : a case study workbook / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .Y4 1991 | Developing teachers' theories of teaching : a touchstone approach / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .Z44 1985 | Basic ways to teach in the 80's / | 1 |
LB1025.2 .Z444 1985x | Basic ways to teach in the 80's / | 1 |
LB1025.2 ebook |
Conocimiento y educación : teorías y prácticas en el campo pedagógico / Profesores, alumnos, familias : 7 pasos para un nuevo modelo de escuela /Lourdes Bazarra [and 2 others]. Competentes, conscientes, compasivos y comprometidos : la educación de los jesuitas / Arte, educación, interculturalidad : reflexiones desde la práctica artística y docente / Conocimiento y educación : teorías y prácticas en el campo pedagógico / |
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LB1025.3 |
Using Brainpower in the Classroom Effective teaching around the world : theoretical, empirical, methodological and practical insights / Future trends in education post COVID-19 : teaching, learning and skills driven curriculum / Planning and analyzing teaching : using the variation theory of learning / Pedagogies of educational transitions : European and antipodean research / Preparing a course practical strategies for teachers, lecturers and trainers / La Didáctica a Través de Experiencias de Aula Problem-solving and Thinking Skills Resources for Able and Talented Children. Classroom-based interventions across subject areas : research to understand what works in education / Find your blindspot in the classroom : improving your effectiveness as a teacher / Creativity in the Primary Classroom Exploración y sistematización del objeto de estudio de las ciencias de la educación : Claves para su enseñanza-aprendizaje / Seven simple secrets : what the best teachers know and do! / Indirect Education Exploring Indirectness in Teaching and Research. Materiales docentes para el empleo de metodologías y procesos de evaluación formativa en la formación inicial de profesorado / Das Amalgam Anfangs-Elektrizitätslehreunterricht Eine multiperspektivische Betrachtung in Deutschland und Österreich / Developing and Supporting Critically Reflective Teachers : Diverse Perspectives in the Twenty-First Century / Using brainpower in the classroom : five steps to accelerate learning / Reflexiones Formativas y Aportaciones Innovadoras a la Praxis Educativa / Procesos de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje en la Sociedad Actual School, Family, and Community Partnerships, Student Economy Edition : Preparing Educators and Improving Schools / Intentional and targeted teaching : a framework for teacher growth and leadership / Future Directions : Practical ways to develop emotional intelligence and confidence in young people. Use of private educational resources for increase of effectiveness of university education / The fundamentals of teaching : a five-step model to put the research evidence into practice / 10 mindframes for visible learning : teaching for success / The Teacher of Generation Alpha / The highly effective teacher : 7 classroom-tested practices that foster student success / Contemporary debates in education studies / Systemic cognition and education : empowering students for excellence in life / Penny Ur's 100 teaching tips / Pedagogy at the end of the world : weird pedagogies for unthought educational futures / The role of social, cultural, and historical practices on teachers' use of interactive whiteboard : a qualitative case study / Using a mixed-methods approach in classroom research to investigate challenges and issues of culture with beginning teachers in schools / DEMOCRATIC DIFFERENTIATED CLASSROOM. Self-efficacy and future goals in education / Placements and work-based learning in education studies : an introduction for students / 75 Ways to Be a Better Teacher Tomorrow : With Less Stress and Quick Success. Helping kids live mindfully : a grab bag of classroom activities for middle school students / Millennial teachers : learning to teach in uncertain times / IMPLEMENTING REFLECTIVE PRACTICE IN THE K-12 CLASSROOM how to easily structure teaching and... learning reflections into your day. On the theory of content transformation in education : the 3A methodology for analysing and improving teaching and learning / The reflective practitioner in professional education / INTEREST-BASED LEARNING COACH A STEP-BY-STEP PLAYBOOK FOR GENIUS HOUR, PASSION P. The quality school teacher / Ways of being in teaching : conversations and reflections / East Asian pedagogies education as formation and transformation across cultures and borders / Never work harder than your students and other principles of great teaching / Life in schools and classrooms : past, present and future / Professional error competence of preservice teachers : evaluation and support / Epistemologias de la didactica sentido y aplicaciones en las practicas investigativas y de ensenanza. The posthuman child : educational transformation through philosophy with picturebooks / The vignette as an exercise in perception : on the professionalisation of educational practices / 88 ideas to teach more effectively : forget being the favourite! / How to use value-added analysis to improve student learning : a field guide for school and district leaders / UNTERSUCHUNG DER EFFEKTIVITAT ZWEIER FORTBILDUNGSFORMATE ZUM EXPERIMENTIEREN MIT DEM FOKUS AUF DAS UNTERRICHTSHANDELN Überzeugungen von Lehrkräften zum Lehren und Lernen von Fachinhalten und Fachmethoden und deren Beziehung zu unterrichtsnahem Handeln / USING COGNITIVE METHODS IN THE CLASSROOM. Enhancing professional practice : a framework for teaching / Improving student learning one teacher at a time / Theorizing teaching : current status and open issues / El saber práctico : phrónesis. Hermenéutica del quehacer del profesor / The Neural Teaching Guide : Authentic Strategies from Brain-Based Classrooms / Education Studies : an Introduction. Optimizing student learning : a Lean systems approach to improving K-12 education / Las prácticas de enseñanza-- en análisis desde una didáctica reflexiva / Rethinking knowledgeable practice in education / Education in the age of misinformation : philosophical and pedagogical explorations / The four most baffling challenges for teachers and how to solve them : classroom discipline, unmotivated students, underinvolved adversarial parents, or tough working conditions / The Wiley handbook of teaching and learning / Unleashing great teaching : the secrets to the most effective teacher development / Responsive teaching : cognitive science and formative assessment in practice / The strategic teacher : selecting the right research-based strategy for every lesson / Pedagogies of Disaster. Fierce teaching : purpose, passion, and what matters most / Teaching is an art : an A-Z handbook for successful teaching in middle schools and high schools / Teacher leadership : improving teaching and learning from inside the classroom / The teacher's journey : the human dimensions / How to Use Value-Added Analysis to Improve Student Learning: A FieldGuide for School and District Leaders. The Teaching Revolution: Rti, Technology, and Differentiation TransformTeaching for the 21St Century. Organic Creativity in the Classroom : Teaching to Intuition in Academics and the Arts. Detournement as pedagogical praxis / The firm, fair, fascinating facilitator : inspire your students, engage your class, transform your teaching / Estrategias de ensenanza innovadoras para nuevos escenarios de aprendizaje Teaching on solid ground : knowledge foundations for the teacher of English / Dare to connect : redefining success for the modern educator / Promoting teacher advocacy as critical teacher leadership / Teaching kids to thrive : essential skills for success / SOCIAL-EMOTIONAL LEARNING UPGRADE merging sel and technology curricula to support young learners. The well-balanced teacher : how to work smarter and stay sane inside the classroom and out / The Elements of Teaching. Teaching and learning culture : negotiating the context / Teacherpreneurs : innovative teachers who lead but don't leave / Assessing and improving your teaching : strategies and rubrics for faculty growth and student learning / Classroom instruction that works : research-based strategies for increasing student achievement / The teaching improvement agenda : what matters and how teaching excellence is achieved / Metrics, standards and alignment in teacher policy : critiquing fundamentalism and imagining pluralism / Personal narratives of teacher knowledge : crossing cultures, crossing identities / The Stoic Educator : Strategies for Teacher Well-Being and Mastering Challenges with Grace / Assignments matter : making the connections that help students meet standards / Developing Reflective Practice In The Early Years. Transformational teaching in the information age : making why and how we teach relevant to students / Exciting classrooms : practical information to ensure student success / Teaching on a tightrope : the diverse roles of a great teacher / FREELANCE EDUCATOR practical advice for starting your educational consulting business. Tim Gunn: the Natty Professor / Learner Choice, Learner Voice a Teacher's Guide to Promoting Agency in the Classroom. Informing instruction with vignette analysis : powerful professional growth for middle and high school teachers / Teaching across cultures : building pedagogical relationships in diverse contexts / You can do this : hope and help for new teachers / Challenging Learning Through Feedback : How to Get the Type, Tone and Quality of Feedback Right Every Time / Authentic Intellectual Work : Improving Teaching for Rigorous Learning. The relevant classroom : 6 steps to foster real-world learning / Ready to Learn : the FRAME Model for Optimizing Student Success (a Results-Oriented Approach for Motivating Students to Learn and Achieve Academic Success) Teaching for Wisdom, Intelligence, Creativity, and Success. Education and the Limits of Reason / Reflective Teaching, Revised. Challenges associated with cross-cultural and at-risk student engagement. Creating a culture of reflective practice : capacity-building for schoolwide success / Qualities of effective teachers / Teaching with purpose : an inquiry into the who, why, and how we teach / Learning and teaching creative cognition : the interactive book report / The entitled generation : helping teachers teach and reach the minds and hearts of generation Z / Inquiry-Based Learning for Faculty and Institutional Development : a Conceptual and Practical Resource for Educators / Introduction to teaching : helping students learn / Teach students how to learn : strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study skills, and motivation / Didactique de la littérature dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues étrangères en Afrique au sud du Sahara : regards croisés / Kick-Start Your Class : Academic Icebreakers to Engage Students. Reconceptualising reflection in reflective practice : voices from Malaysian educators / The ten-minute inservice : 40 quick training sessions that build teacher effectiveness / Evidence-based teaching for the 21st Century classroom and beyond innovation-driven learning strategies / The secrets of timeless teachers : instruction that works in every generation / Teaching that works : effective practice combined with theory and research / Jean-François Lyotard : pedagogies of affect / The teacher tune-up : a workbook and discussion guide for how to become a firm, fair, fascinating facilitator / Returning sanity to the classroom : eliminating the testing mania / The teacher's role in the changing globalizing world : resources and challenges related to the professional work of teaching / SEVEN LAWS OF LEARNING;WHY GREAT LEADERS ARE ALSO GREAT TEACHERS. Off Track : When Poor Readers Become ""Learning Disabled"" / The Little Book of Reflective Practice : a Practical Guide to the Early Years. Innovacion docente e investigacion en arte y humanidades experiencias de cambio en la metodologia docente. Mindful alignment : foundations of educator flourishing / Mentoring teachers : supporting learning, wellbeing and retention / Leading the Rebound 20+ Must-Dos to Restart Teaching and Learning. Industry practices, processes and techniques adopted in education supporting innovative teaching and learning practice / Prácticas educativas basadas en evidencias : reflexiones, estrategias y buenas prácticas / Spaces of teaching and learning : integrating perspectives on research and practice / The rogue educator : embracing teacher individuality / Navigating the pedagogical space for knowledge building classrooms : theories, principles, and practices / How teaching happens seminal works in teaching and teacher effectiveness and what they mean in practice / Interacciones educativas Lengua : enseñabilidad y educabilidad / How learning works : seven research-based principles for smart teaching / Teaching and Its Predicaments / S.O.S. : me recibí de docente ¿ahora, qué hago? : tips para lograr un salón de clase integrado y participativo / Postdigital ecopedagogies : genealogies, contradictions, and possible futures / Storying a reflexive praxis for pedagogy : concept, method, and practices / The scholarship of teaching and learning : a guide for scientists, engineers, and mathematicians / Ahuman pedagogy : multidisciplinary perspectives for education in the anthropocene / Navigating the new pedagogy : six principles that transform teaching / Filosofía de la educación y pedagogía / Pedagogy out of bounds : untamed variations of democratic education / The creative turn : toward a new aesthetic imaginary / Teach like a champion 2.0 : 62 techniques that put students on the path to college / Thinking about Schools : a Foundations of Education Reader / The teacher's reflective practice handbook : becoming an extended professional through enacting evidence-informed practice / Dynamic learning spaces in education / Innovacion docente e investigacion en educacion experiencias de cambio en la metodologia docente. Pupil book study : an evidence-informed guide to help quality assure the curriculum / Best-Kept Teaching Secret : How Written Conversations Engage Kids, Activate Learning, Grow Fluent Writers ... K-12. The Clarity Series : Engaging Today's Students for Tomorrow's World. Designing Schools for Meaningful Professional Learning : a Guidebook for Educators. Good teachers for tomorrow's schools : purpose, values, and talents in education / Hannah Arendt And Education : Renewing Our Common World / School Choice In The Real World : Lessons From Arizona Charter Schools / The Art of Teaching Children : All I Learned from a Lifetime in the Classroom. Indirect Education : Exploring Indirectness in Teaching and Research. 華人課堂中的教與學 : 照顧個別學習需要 Didactics in a changing world : European perspectives on teaching, learning and the curriculum / The successful teacher's survival kit : 83 simple things that successful teachers do to thrive in the classroom / HANDBOOK OF TEACHING QUALITATIVE AND MIXED RESEARCH METHODS a step-by-step. Creative Journaling for Teachers A Visual Approach to Declutter Thoughts, Manage Time and Boost Productivity. Towards an ontology of teaching : thing-centred pedagogy, affirmation and love for the world / Teachers and teaching : time and the creative tension / 100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform Learning : Expanding your Repertoire. A practice sensibility : an invitation to the theory of practice architectures / Global perspectives and new challenges in culturally responsive pedagogies : super-diversity and teaching practice / Creative teaching : an evidence-based approach / Design thinking for education : conceptions and applications in teaching and learning / Perspectivas y Prospectivas en el Nuevo Escenario Formativo Acciones de Innovación Didáctica en Entornos Educativos Teaching towards democracy with postmodern and popular culture texts / Learning to teach with assessment : a student teaching experience in China / TEACHER DEVELOPMENT IN INDIA building on grassroots innovations and technology. Education as jazz : interdisciplinary sketches on a new metaphor / Engaged Learners and Digital Citizens: Critical Outcomes for Teaching and Learning. MEDITATION AND MINDFULNESS EDGE becoming a sharper, healthier, and happier teacher. Schools in transition linking past, present, and future in educational practice. Focus : elevating the essentials to radically improve student learning / Cultivating excellence in education a critical policy study on talent / Creative teachers self-directed learners / The teacher 50 : critical questions for inspiring classroom excellence / Innovacion docente e investigacion en educacion y ciencias sociales experiencias de cambio en la metodologia docente. Innovacion docente e investigacion en salud experiencias de cambio en la metodologia docente. PASSIONATE LEARNERS how to engage and empower your students. Paradigmas y Campo Conceptual de la Pedagogía en Colombia Multiple intelligences in the classroom / The improvising teacher : reconceptualising pedagogy, expertise and professionalism / Testimonios de maestros : modelos y prácticas / Accion docente y experiencias pedagogicas en aulas educativas The complete guide to teaching a course. practical strategies for teachers, lectures and trainers / Procesos de ensenanza y aprendizaje en contextos sociales y educativos The peak performing teacher : five habits for success / Pedagogy, Learning, and Creativity Metodologias innovadoras y recursos didacticos emergentes desde la investigacion educativa Building a curious school : restore the joy that brought you to school / Didactic classroom studies Educaring from the heart : how to nurture your wellbeing and rediscover your purpose in education / Hochschulreformen, Leistungsbewertungen und berufliche Identität von Professor*innen : Eine fächervergleichende qualitative Studie / Teacher reflection : policies, practices and impacts : studies in honor of Thomas S.C. Farrell / Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning (CriSTaL) |
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LB1025.3 \ | What Every Teacher Should Know About Effective Teaching Strategies. | 1 |
LB1025.3 A336 2020 | Riding the Wave : Teacher Strategies for Navigating Change and Strengthening Key Relationships (Navigate Changes in Education and Achieve Professional Fulfillment by Building Strong Relationships) | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A38 1992 | Advancing invitational thinking / | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A4318 2017eb | Cómo funciona el aprendizaje 7 principios basados en la investigación para una enseñanza inteligente. | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A44 2002 | Impact teaching : ideas and strategies for teachers to maximize student learning / | 2 |
LB1025.3 .A45 2010c | The art of teaching : best practices from a master educator / | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A53 2004 | Increasing teacher effectiveness / | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A74 2002 | Didaktik för lärare : en bok om lärares yrke i teori och praktik / | 1 |
LB1025.3 .A755 2010 | Teaching for student learning : becoming an accomplished teacher / | 1 |