LB1028 .L568 1988
Adjusting scores on examinations offering a choice of essay questions / |
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LB1028 .L58 1989
Locating learning : ethnographic perspectives on classroom research / |
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LB1028 .L586 2006
Methods in educational research : from theory to practice / |
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LB1028 .L65
Man-machine systems in education / |
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LB1028 .L67 1988
Confidence bands for the three-parameter logistic item response curve / |
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LB1028 .L69 2007eb
Beginning research : a guide for foundation degree students / |
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LB1028 .M24 1963
Elements of educational research. |
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LB1028 .M26
Educational research methods / |
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LB1028 .M262 2003
Discourse in educational and social research / |
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LB1028 .M2638 2015
Mainstreams, margins and the spaces in-between : new possibilities for education research / |
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LB1028 .M2685 1990eb
Researching lived experience : human science for an action sensitive pedagogy / |
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LB1028 .M28
The theory and practice of communicating educational and vocational information / |
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LB1028 .M3
Curriculum improvement and innovation : a partnership of students, school teachers, and research scholars / |
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LB1028 .M333 2020
CRITICAL YOUTH RESEARCH IN EDUCATION : methodologies and praxis. |
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LB1028 .M354 2007
Inhabited silence in qualitative research : putting poststructural theory to work / |
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LB1028 .M356 2018
Freedom research in education : becoming an autonomous researcher / |
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LB1028 .M36
Sampling and statistics handbook for research in education : a technical reference for members of the research staff of the National Education Association and its state and local affiliated associations. |
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LB1028 .M364 1992
Educational research : fundamentals for the consumer / |
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LB1028 .M364 2004
Educational research : fundamentals for the consumer / |
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LB1028 .M365 1984
Research in education : a conceptual introduction / |
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