Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1028.3 .A45 2016 The new pillars of modern teaching / 1
LB1028.3 A485 2008eb Tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, sociedad y educación : (sociedad, e-herramientas, profesorado y alumnado) / 1
LB1028.3 .A5 1976 Selecting and developing media for instruction / 1
LB1028.3 .A5 1991 Selecting and developing media for instruction / 1
LB1028.3 .A5 1992 Selecting and developing media for instruction / 1
LB1028.3 .A56 2022 Applications of research in technology education : helping teachers develop research-informed practice / 1
LB1028.3 .A735 2010 Architectures for distributed and complex M-learning systems : applying intelligent technologies / 1
LB1028.3 .A74 An inquiry into the uses of instructional technology / 1
LB1028.3 .A753 2017eb Art and technology : the practice and influence of art and technology in education / 1
LB1028.3 .A754 1987 Artificial intelligence and education / 2
LB1028.3 .A756 1999 Artificial intelligence in education : open learning environments : new computational technologies to support learning, exploration and collaboration / 1
LB1028.3 .A767 1977 Educational technology : definition and glossary of terms / 1
LB1028.3 .A769 2008 Assessment of problem solving using simulations / 1
LB1028.3 .A944 2003eb Cómo diseñar materiales y realizar tutorías en la formación "on line" 1
LB1028.3 .B329 2014eb La gestión de la tecnología en la educación superior : estrategias para transformar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje / 1
LB1028.3 B354 2017 Assessment of Problem Solving Using Simulations. 1
LB1028.3 .B357 2012 The learning edge : what technology can do to educate all children / 1
LB1028.3 .B36 1995 Multimedia technologies for training : an introduction / 1
LB1028.3 .B37 1993 New technologies for education : a beginner's guide / 1
LB1028.3 .B37 1997eb New technologies for education : a beginner's guide / 1