Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LB1028.57 .O55 2021 | Online postgraduate education in a postdigital world : beyond technology / | 1 |
LB1028.57 .P47 2023 | Elementary online learning : strategies and designs for building virtual education, grades K-5 / | 1 |
LB1028.57 .R53 2022 | Doing pedagogical research online : assessing learning objectives in virtual break-out rooms / | 1 |
LB1028.57 .T45 2023 | Teaching and learning with digital technologies in higher education institutions in Africa : case studies from a pandemic context / | 1 |
LB1028.57 ebook | Educar en el confinamiento : actores, experiencias y estrategias / | 1 |
LB1028.6 .E8 | Developing programmed instructional materials : a handbook for program writers / | 1 |
LB1028.6 .K45 1986 | When machines teach : designing computer courseware / | 1 |
LB1028.65 .C48 1984 | Teachers' guide to designing classroom software / | 1 |
LB1028.65 .C85 1985 | Instructional computing fundamentals for IBM microcomputers / | 1 |
LB1028.65 .D48 2004eb | Developing a homegrown course management system : community/course action/interaction management system (CAMS) / | 1 |
LB1028.65 .H83 1984 |
Introducing CAL : a practical guide to writing Computer-Assisted Learning programs / Introducing CAL a practical guide to writing Computer-Assisted Learning programs / |
2 |
LB1028.65 .R67 1986 | BASIC programming for educators / | 1 |
LB1028.65 R67 1986 | BASIC programming for educators / | 1 |
LB1028.65 .S45 1985 | Microcomputers in education : a critical evaluation of educational software / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .B35 2001eb | CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver f/x & design / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .C53 2001 | Designing computer-based learning materials / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .C53 2001eb | Designing computer-based learning materials / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .C53 2018 | Designing computer-based learning materials / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .C75 1989 | The design of computer-based instruction / | 1 |
LB1028.66 .H45 1987 | Authoring educational software / | 1 |