Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1043 .B754 Instructional uses of educational media in higher education : a critique / 1
LB1043 .B755 New media in higher education / 1
LB1043 .B755 1986 Taking advantage of media : a manual for parents and teachers / 2
LB1043 .B76 Educational media: a competency-based approach
Educational media: a competency-based approach /
LB1043 .B77 2003 Media education : literacy, learning, and contemporary culture / 1
LB1043 .B82 1978 Creating instructional materials / 1
LB1043 .B87 2020 Educating Media Literacy : the Need for Critical Media Literacy in Teacher Education. 1
LB1043 .B885 2019 Educating Media Literacy : the Need for Critical Media Literacy in Teacher Education. 1
LB1043 .C28 2021eb Schools and screens : a watchful history / 1
LB1043 .C4 1978a Doing the media : a portfolio of activities, ideas, and resources / 2
LB1043 .C42 Learning by children / 1
LB1043 .C48 Instructional design and the library media specialist / 1
LB1043 .C68 Directory of selected instructional materials, 1974 / 1
LB1043 .C72 Audio-visual education / 1
LB1043 .D2 DAVI membership directory and data book. 1
LB1043 .D3 1954 Audio-visual methods in teaching. 1
LB1043 .D3 1965 Audio-visual methods in teaching. 1
LB1043 .D3 1969 Audiovisual methods in teaching. 1
LB1043 .D385 2011 Media literacy, social networking, and the Web 2.0 environment for the K-12 educator / 1
LB1043 .D39 1969 Audiovisual machines / 1