Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1043 .L28 The audio-workbook / 1
LB1043 .L465 2007 Lesson plans for creating media-rich classrooms / 1
LB1043 .L54 Instructional display boards / 1
LB1043 .L55 Practical guide to classroom media / 1
LB1043 .L58 2017eb Literacies and language education / 1
LB1043 .M23 The cooperative approach to audio-visual programs / 1
LB1043 .M3615 1977 Media studies in education. 1
LB1043 M386 2010eb Manual del productor audiovisual / 2
LB1043 .M42 Colorado reel news.
Media news.
Reel news.
LB1043 .M74 Media & kids : real-world learning in the schools / 1
LB1043 .M844 2001 Multimedia learning : cognitive and instructional issues / 1
LB1043 .N315 Sharper tools for better learning. 1
LB1043 .N33 Directory of graduate programs for the professional education of audio-visual supervisors, directors, and building coordinators : a project of the Professional Education Committee / 1
LB1043 .N335 Language laboratory and language learning. 1
LB1043 .N335 no. 1 The automation of school information systems. 1
LB1043 .N335 no. 2 Language laboratory and language learning. 1
LB1043 .N335 no. 2 1967 Language laboratory and language learning / 1
LB1043 .N335 no. 3 The state of audiovisual technology, 1961-1966 / 1
LB1043 .N335 no. 4 Technology and the management of instruction / 1
LB1043 .N37 The school administrator and his audio-visual program / 1