Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1060 .K46 2003 Temperament in the classroom : understanding individual differences / 2
LB1060 .K57 2020 How learning happens : seminal works in educational psychology and what they mean in practice / 2
LB1060 .K58 1987 Learning : principles and applications / 1
LB1060 .K59 1996 Learning : principles and applications / 1
LB1060 .K625 2016 Knowledge and interaction : a synthetic agenda for the learning sciences / 2
LB1060 .K65 1991 I won't learn from you : the role of assent in learning / 2
LB1060 .K68 2016 Knowledge in motion : constellations of learning across time and place / 2
LB1060 .K84 2007 Guided inquiry : learning in the 21st century / 1
LB1060 .K86 2020 Letters : the classroom is burning, let's dream about a School of Improper Education / 1
LB1060 .L35 2016 The power of mindful learning / 1
LB1060 .L36 1995 Learning and intelligence : conversations with Skinner and Wheeler / 1
LB1060 .L3825 2005 Learning in cultural context : family, peers, and school / 1
LB1060.L3829 2006 Quantum Learning & Instructional Leadership in Practice. 1
LB1060 .L387 1994 Seven pathways of learning : teaching students and parents about multiple intelligences / 2
LB1060 .L39 2003x Learners for life : student approaches to learning : results from PISA 2000 / 1
LB1060 .L395 2000eb Learning about learning : resources for supporting effective learning /
Learning about learning resources for supporting effective learning /
LB1060 .L4 1986 Learning and development : a global perspective / 1
LB1060 .L414 1989 Learning and education : psychoanalytic perspectives / 1
LB1060 .L423 1983 Learning and motivation in the classroom / 1
LB1060 .L4235 1988 Learning and study strategies : issues in assessment, instruction, and evaluation /
Learning and study strategies issues in assessment, instruction, and evaluation /