Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1131 .V5 1924 A study of intelligence test elements / 1
LB1131 .W34 1955 Education and mental health / 1
LB1131 .W345 Education and mental health / 1
LB1131 .W346 1997 A comparative study of the academic performance of Pennsylvania's public school children : mathematics and reading between 1990 and 1996 / 1
LB1131 .W347 Educational assessment of learning problems : testing for teaching / 1
LB1131 .W3874 1985 Tests and assessment / 1
LB1131 .W388 Fostering intellectual development in young children / 1
LB1131 .W392 The relations of college grades and personal qualities considered within two frames of reference / 1
LB1131 .W444 School disorder, intelligence, and social class / 1
LB1131 .W45 Learning of bright and dull children / 1
LB1131 .W5 1928 How to measure. 2
LB1131 .W52 Education and environment. 1
LB1131 .W596 1987 Measurement and assessment in education and psychology : collected papers, 1967-87 / 1
LB1131 .W6 Brightness and dullness in children / 1
LB1131 .W78 Evaluation in modern education / 1
LB1131 .W9 1925a The opposites test / 1
LB1131 .Y4 A point scale for measuring mental ability / 1
LB1131 .Y4 1923 A point scale for measuring mental ability. : 1923 revision / 1
LB1131 .Z44 Kindergarten screening : early identification of potential high risk learners / 2
LB1131 ebook La inteligencia en educación infantil articulada por la herencia, el ambiente escolar, social y familiar /
La emoción de jugar : neuroeducación en acción /
Los test psicológicos /