Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
LB1139.225 .R48 2020 | Researching early childhood education for sustainability : challenging assumptions and orthodoxies / | 1 |
LB1139.225 .U85 2019 | Using innovative methods in early years research : beyond the conventional / | 2 |
LB1139.225 .W35 2014eb |
Success with your early years research project Success with your early years research project / |
2 |
LB1139.225 .Z85 2019 | Mixing methods in matrix analyses of preschool expulsion practices / | 1 |
LB1139.23 |
Home in early childhood care and education : conceptualizations and reconfigurations / Being, becoming and thriving as an early years practitioner : a guide for education and early years students and tutors / Academic skills in early childhood education and care : self-inquiry, learning and writing for students and practitioners / The inclusive early years educator : a reflective toolkit / Early childhood voices : Children, families, professionals / Towards a transformative pedagogy for early childhood care and education : possibilities and priorities in South Africa / Blended practices for teaching young children in inclusive settings / Early childhood and compulsory education : reconceptualising the relationship / Education in Early Childhood : First Things First. Community-based transformational learning in early childhood settings integrating experiences of teachers, students, and the community / Foundations of Early Childhood : Principles and Practice / Quality and Leadership in the Early Years : Research, Theory and Practice. Leadership in early education in times of change : research from five continents / Pratiques et Politiques en Petite Enfance Perspectives Internationales. The Sustained Shared Thinking and Emotional Well-Being (SSTEW) Scale Supporting Process Quality in Early Childhood. Diversities in early childhood education : rethinking and doing / Facilitating children's learning in the EYFS / Leading in early childhood / El período de adaptación de los niños al sistema educativo A critical companion to early childhood / International research on education for sustainable development in early childhood / Nature, spirituality, and early childhood education : fostering children's awareness and responsibility through outdoor learning / Supporting early childhood practice through difficult times : looking towards a better future / Transitional objects in early childhood : the value of transitional objects in the early years / Developing professional practice, 0-7 / Early childhood education redefined : reflections and recommendations on the impact of Start Right / Early childhood education and care for a shared sustainable world : people, planet and profits / The Routledge international handbook of Froebel and early childhood practice : re-articulating research and policy / One child, many worlds : early learning in multicultural communities / International perspectives on early childhood education and care : early childhood education in the 21st century. Global perspectives on leadership in early childhood education Found in Translation : Connecting Reconceptualist Thinking with Early Childhood Education Practices / In Search of Social Justice : John Bennett's Lifetime Contribution to Early Childhood Policy and Practice. Reframing the emotional worlds of the early childhood classroom / (un)doing Gender Empirisch Qualitative Forschung in der Kita. Peer play and relationships in early childhood : international research perspectives / The factors effecting student achievement meta-analysis of empirical studies / Early childhood education leadership in times of crisis : international studies during the COVID-19 pandemic / Observing young children : the role of observation and assessment in early childhood settings / La educación inicial y su influencia en la dimensión bio-psico-social infantil / Interactions in early childhood education : recent research and emergent concepts / Planning in the moment with young children : a practical guide for early years practitioners and parents / Understanding the emotional needs of children in the early years / Introducing Trevarthen : a guide for practitioners and students in early years education / The philosophy and practice of outstanding early years provision / Pedagogies for diverse contexts / Being an early childhood educator : bringing theory and practice together / Tools of the mind : the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education / Supporting Transitions in the Early Years. Attainment and executive functioning in the early years : research for inclusive practice and lifelong learning / Early childhood education and care in the 21st century. The Routledge reader in early childhood education / Gender and care with young children : a material feminist approach to early childhood education / Empowering early childhood educators : international pedagogies as provocation / Assessment of young children : a collaborative approach / Literature and philosophical play in early childhood education : a humanities based approach to research and practice / Challenging the intersection of policy with pedagogy / Places for two-year-olds in the early years : supporting learning and development / Cultivating resilience in early childhood : a practical guide to support the mental health and wellbeing of young children / Developing a loving pedagogy in the early years : how love fits with professional practice / Practicas pedagogicas y metacognicion en la educacion infantil Professionalization, leadership and management in the early years. Early Childhood Education : History, Philosophy and Experience. Educating young children : a lifetime journey into a Froebelian approach : the selected works of Tina Bruce / Birth to three matters : Supporting the Framework of Effective Practice. Finding quality early childcare : a step-by-step guide for parents about what matters most / Universal design for learning in the early childhood classroom : teaching children of all languages, cultures and abilities, birth-8 years / Contemporary perspectives and research on early childhood education / Men in early childhood education and care : gender balance and flexibility / What does it mean to be two? : what every practitioner needs to understand about the development of two-year olds / Early childhood education. Neoliberalism and early childhood education : markets, imaginaries and governance / Contemporary perspectives on early childhood education / Approaches to early childhood and elementary education / Trauma-Responsive Practices for Early Childhood Leaders Creating and Sustaining Healing Engaged Organizations / Inclusive Pedagogies for Early Childhood Education : Respecting and Responding to Differences in Learning. Acciones educativas en la escuela para la primera infancia. First transitions to early childhood education and care intercultural dialogues across the globe / Young Children's Thinking. COMO TRABAJAR CON PROYECTOS DE APRENDIZAJE EN EDUCACION INFANTIL Professional dialogues in the early years : rediscovering early years pedagogy and principles / The impact of COVID-19 on early childhood education and care : international perspectives, challenges, and responses / Nurturing self-regulation in early childhood : adopting an ethos and approach / Assessment and data systems in early childhood settings : theory and practice / Educating for sustainability in a small island nation : voices from early childhood education / Spiritual Experiences in Early Childhood Education: Four Kindergartners : Four Kindergarteners, One Classroom. The role of metaphor and symbol in motivating primary school children / The neuroscience of the developing child : self-regulation for wellbeing and a sustainable future / Lived spaces of infant-toddler education and care : exploring diverse perspectives on theory, research and practice / Slow knowledge and the unhurried child time for slow pedagogies in early childhood education / Becoming pedagogue : Bergson and the aesthetics, ethics and politics of early childhood education and care / Studying for an early childhood degree : using inspirations from the Pen Green students to achieve outstanding results / Listening to young children in early years settings : a practical guide / Multi-tiered systems of support for young children : driving change in early education / Reconfiguring the natures of childhood. Frühkindliche Bildung und Medienkonsum : Über den Einfluss des Fernsehens auf die Kindheit / Methodology for research with early childhood education and care professionals : example studies and theoretical elaboration / Early years practice : for educators and teachers / Globalization, transformation, and cultures in early childhood education and care reconceptualization and comparison / Early childhood education in three cultures : China, Japan and the United States / Children and Childhoods 2 : Images of Childhood. The Routledge international handbook of young children's thinking and understanding / Language and concept acquisition from infancy through childhood : learning from multiple exemplars / School readiness and the characteristics of effective learning : the essential guide for early years practitioners / Matthew Lipman and Ann Margaret Sharp philosophy for children's educational revolution / Early Childhood Education Leadership in Times of Crisis International Studies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Reflection and reflective spaces in the early years : a guide for students and practitioners / Using a person-centred approach in early years practice : a therapeutic guide for students / Pedagogical documentation in early childhood education : process-oriented procedures for documenting education and development / Buenas Prácticas en la Educación Infantil Promoting intentional teaching : the LEARN professional development model for early childhood educators / Grit, resilience, and motivation in early childhood : practical takeaways for teachers / MINDFULNESS IN EARLY YEARS strategies and approaches to nurturing young minds. Digital play in early childhood / Let's talk about race in the early years / |
125 |
LB1139.23 A336 2016 | Nannies, migration and early childhood education and care : an international comparison of in-home childcare policy and practice. | 1 |
LB1139.23 .A336 2017eb | Nannies, Migration and Early Childhood Education and Care : an International Comparison of in-Home Childcare Policy and Practice / | 1 |
LB1139.23 .A87 2022 | Assessing and evaluating early childhood education systems / | 1 |
LB1139.23?b.B43 2009 | Implementing the early years foundation stage : a handbook. | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B35 2018 | The bridge to school : aligning teaching with development for ages four to six / | 2 |
LB1139.23 .B37 2020eb | Early childhood education and the student empowerment program / | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B376 2019 | Legislation Handbook for Early Childhood Settings. | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B3797 2016 | Conversation analysis and early childhood education the co-production of knowledge and relationships / | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B38 2009eb | Learning to belong : exploring young children's participation at the start of school / | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B47 2016 | Early childhood policies and systems in eight countries : findings from IEA's early childhood education study / | 2 |
LB1139.23 .B474 2018 | Leben und Wirken der Fröbel- und Kindergartenpädagogin Erika Hoffmann (1902-1995) : Eine biographisch-pädagogische Skizze. | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B474 2019 | Schörlpädagogik : Einführung in ein klassisches Kindergartenkonzept. | 1 |
LB1139.23 .B53 2016eb | ||
LB1139.23 .B67 2018eb | Cultural diversity and inclusion in early years education / | 2 |
LB1139.23 .B7 2004 | Developing learning in early childhood / | 1 |