Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1140.3 .C225 2003eb Bringing learning to life : the Reggio approach to early childhood education / 1
LB1140.3 .D48 1987 Programs of early education : the constructivist view / 1
LB1140.3 .E38 2011 Educational encounters Nordic studies in early childhood didactics / 1
LB1140.3 .F57 1997 First steps toward teaching the Reggio way / 2
LB1140.3 .F82 2002 Teaching and learning : collaborative exploration of the Reggio Emilia approach / 1
LB1140.3 .M67 2014 Circle Time for Young Children 1
LB1140.3 .M67 2015 Circle time for young children / 1
LB1140.3 .P35 1990 The boy who would be a helicopter / 2
LB1140.3 .P356 1995 Kwanzaa and me : a teacher's story / 1
LB1140.3 .S54 2006eb Ourselves / 1
LB1140.3 .T46 2014 Bringing the Reggio approach to your early years practice / 1
LB1140.3 .T46 2014eb Bringing the Reggio Approach to your Early Years Practice
Bringing the Reggio approach to your early years practice /
LB1140.3 .T46 2015 Understanding the Reggio approach : early years education in practice / 1
LB1140.35.C63 R6 2006eb Helping children to be skilful communicators 1
LB1140.35.C64 Microcomputers in early childhood education / 1
LB1140.35.C64 C66 1986 Computers in early childhood education : issues and practices / 2
LB1140.35.C64 D38 1989 Children and computers together in the early childhood classroom / 1
LB1140.35.C64 ebook Inrultic : modelo de innovaciĆ³n para el uso y apropiaciĆ³n de las TIC en instituciones preescolares de zonas rurales / 1
LB1140.35.C64 M53 1989 Microcomputers in early childhood education / 1
LB1140.35.C74 Thrifty teacher's guide to creative learning centers / 1