Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
The education of children in learning declared by the dignitie, vtilitie, and method thereof. Meete to be knowne, and practised aswell of parents as schoolmaisters. A vindication of An essay concerning critical and curious learning in which are contained some short reflections on the controversie betwixt Sir William Temple and Mr. Wotton, and that betwixt Dr. Bentley and Mr. Boyle : in an answer to an Oxford pamphlet / |
2 |
LB14 .P4 | Four Tudor books on education ... / | 1 |
LB14 .R63 2020 | Robert Grosseteste and theories of education : the ordered human / | 1 |
LB14 .R85 1680 | The rules of the schools at the Jesuits in Fanchurch-Street | 1 |
LB14 .R95 | A vindication of An essay concerning critical and curious learning in which are contained some short reflections on the controversie betwixt Sir William Temple and Mr. Wotton, and that betwixt Dr. Bentley and Mr. Boyle : in an answer to an Oxford pamphlet / | 2 |
LB14 eBook | Ensayos sobre educación / | 1 |
LB14.5 .B47 2020 | Janusz Korczak : educating for justice / | 1 |
LB14.5 .C67 2007eb | El maestro, la escuela y el material de enseñanza y otros escritos | 1 |
LB14.5 .M43 2008 | The philosophy of education / | 1 |
LB14.6 | The philosophy of education : an introduction / | 2 |
LB14.6 .E345 1990 | The Educational legacy of romanticism / | 1 |
LB14.6 .E345 2006 | The Educational Legacy of Romanticism. | 1 |
LB14.6 .H36 1990 | Learning about education : an unfinished curriculum / | 2 |
LB14.6 .H37 2001 | From information to transformation : education for the evolution of consciousness / | 1 |
LB14.6 .M47 1980 | Conceptual and methodological issues in facilitating growth in intelligence / | 1 |
LB14.6 .W45 2005 | Distinguishing between students with and without learning disabilities : a comparative analysis of cognition, achievement, perceptual skills, behavior, and executive functioning / | 1 |
LB14.6 .W55 1989 | Taking education seriously / | 2 |
LB14.7 |
Decolonizing education for sustainable futures / Deeper Learning with Psychedelics : Philosophical Pathways Through Altered States. Ethics, aesthetics, and education a Levinasian approach / Envisioning education in a post-work leisure-based society a dialogical approach / Institutional ethnography in education / Creative ruptions for emergent educational futures / Non-affirmative theory of education and Bildung / A history of western philosophy of education in the middle ages and Renaissance / Feminist new materialisms / Pedagogical encounters in the post-Anthropocene. Technohumanism, global crises, and education : toward a posthuman pedagogy / Confucian Perspectives on Learning and Self-Transformation International and Cross-Disciplinary Approaches / Lean education : an overview of current issues / Martin Luther Father of the Reformation and educational reformer / Teaching as a reflective practice : the German Didaktik tradition / Bildende Widerstände - widerständige Bildung Blickwechsel zwischen Pädagogik und Philosophie. Proceeding of the 1st ICOPEM, International Conferences Psychology, Education and Mental Health : Education innovation and mental health in Industrial Era 4.0 : 9th-10th September, 2019 Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia / Pädagogische Kasuistik Fallstudien zu grundlegenden Fragen des Unterrichts / Thinking Philosophically about Education : the Selected Works of Richard Pring. Practice theory and education : diffractive readings in professional practice / Inventions of teaching : a genealogy / Value-creating global citizenship education for sustainable development : strategies and approaches / Philosophy and education : an introduction to key questions and themes / Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Seminarkonzepts zur Förderung der experimentellen Planungskompetenz von Lehramtsstudierenden im Fach Chemie / Social efficiency and instrumentalism in education : critical essays in ontology, phenomenology, and philosophical hermeneutics / Desarrollo humano VI : retos educativos del profesorado en el siglo XXI / Dispositions are a teacher's greatest strength : mindful pedagogical practices to develop self-awareness to flourish in the classroom / Reflexiones y Experiencias Pedagógicas en Los Procesos de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje Pedagogias de la mirada reflexiones desde la postdigitalidad. Estudios e Investigaciones Innovadoras en Educación Aportes de la filosofía al campo educativo / Escuela o barbarie entre el neoliberalismo salvaje y el delirio de la izquierda / Philosophy of Education. Contemporary capacity-building in educational contexts / Educational commons in theory and practice : global pedagogy and politics / Transformative visions for qualitative inquiry / Pedagogical encounters in the Post-Anthropocene. Comparative and decolonial studies in philosophy of education / Making sense of the world : living, learning and teaching with radical philosophy of education / Paul Ricoeur : empowering education, politics and society / Typisierung des Verständnisses mentaler Modelle mittels empirischer Datenerhebung am Beispiel der Quantenphysik / Benign violence : education and beyond in the age of reason / Educational learning and development : building and enhancing capacity / Chinese schooling and free-spirit education Postdigital play and global education : reconfiguring research / Education and Expertise. Reconceptualising information processing for education Education at the edge of experience : navigating the unassimilable / Towards posthumanism in education : theoretical entanglements and pedagogical mappings / Habitar Colectivamente Espacios Educativos Granularity : an ontological inquiry into justice and holistic education / Systems theory for pragmatic schooling : toward principles of democratic education / Dewey's social philosophy : democracy as education / Five paradigms for education foundational views and key issues / Ideological, cultural, and linguistic roots of educational reforms to address the ecological crisis : the selected works of C.A. (Chet) Bowers / La escuela desafiada / Critical ethnography / Ethnographic interviewing / Evaluation, qualitative / Bhaskar, Roy / Storytelling as qualitative research / Testimonio / Experimental qualitative methods / Butler, Judith / Fairy tales / Collage-making / Narrative inquiry / Meta-ethnography / Systematic observation methods / Missing data / Knowing and learning as creative action : a reexamination of the epistemological foundations of education / CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION international perspectives. Bildung dekonstruieren : Grenzgänge im Anschluss an die poststrukturalistische Bildungsphilosophie / Investigacion y educacion : hacia una teoría de campo. Beyond the philosophy of the subject : an educational philosophy and theory post-structuralist reader / Education and Philosophy Democratic education and the teacher-as-prophet : exploring the religious work of schools / Civil society, education and human formation : philosophy's role in a renewed understanding of education / Radical schooling for democracy : engaging philosophy of education for the public good / Semiotic theory of learning : new perspectives in the philosophy of education / Steal this classroom teaching and learning unbound / Knowledge socialism the rise of peer production : collegiality, collaboration, and collective intelligence / Panorthosia Author Comenius 19-26. Philosophy and the study of education : new perspectives on a complex relationship / Epistemology and the predicates of education : building upon a process theory of learning / Contrafilosofías de la evaluación : pedagogías sin rendición / Educational Philosophy : a History from the Ancient World to Modern America. A teacher's guide to philosophy for children / Education in a Society Uncertain of its Values : Contributions to Practical Pedagogy. Education in an age of lies and fake news : regaining a love of truth / A history of western philosophy of education in antiquity / Sujetos de la educacion reconocidos, protegidos y peligrosos / Reading Rancière for education : an introduction / Popular culture, piracy, and outlaw pedagogy : a critique of the miseducation of Davy Jones / Writing the Nation : Patrick White and the Indigene. Retuning education : Bildung and exemplarity beyond the logic of progress / The mind and teachers in the classroom exploring definitions of mindfulness / Pre-Milestone A and Early-Phase Systems Engineering : a Retrospective Review and Benefits for Future Air Force Acquisition. Didácticas para la vida vida : reflexiones desde una educación geográfica multidimensional e inclusiva / Postdigital humans transitions, transformations and transcendence / The personal, place, and context in pedagogy : an activist stance for our uncertain educational future / Liberatory practices for learning dismantling social inequality and individualism with ancient wisdom / Ethics, aesthetics, and education : a Levinasian approach / Ensenanzas y practicas en educacion Education for a Democratic Society. Pragmatism, Education, and Children : International Philosophical Perspectives. Rethinking the Politics of Education. Punk pedagogies : music, culture and learning / Karen Barad as educator agential realism and education / Philosophy east-west : exploring intersections between educational and contemplative practices / Humor, laughter and human flourishing : a philosophical exploration of the laughing animal / The RoutledgeFalmer reader in philosophy of education / Social theory and education research / Teacher education for the 21st century : creativity, aesthetics and ethics in preparing teachers for our future / Una accion educativa pensada reflexiones desde la filosofia de la educacion. Educating for the Twenty-First Century. R.S. Peters on education and ethics / Nononsense Rethinking Education : Whose Knowledge Is It Anyway? / Walking with a/r/tography / Education and the fantasies of neoliberalism : politics, policy and psychoanalysis / Sources for a better education lessons from research and best practices / Questioning Education : Moving from What and How to Why and Who. Reflexiones filosoficas, pedagogicas y curriculares del realismo pedagogico Philosophy East / West : Exploring Intersections between Educational and Contemplative Practices / La escuela desafiada A philosophy of schooling : care and curiosity in community / Empirical philosophical investigations in education and embodied experience / Educational theory in the 21st century : science, technology, society and education / Transformative education : a showcase of sustainable and integrative active learning / Pädagogische Kasuistik Fallstudien Zu Grundlegenden Fragen des Unterrichts. ROUTLEDGE LIBRARY EDITIONS. Convivencia ética y educación : audacia y esperanza / Positive Schooling and Child Development : International Perspectives / Philosophical foundations of education : lessons for India / Educational fabulations : teaching and learning for a world yet to come / Sketching a place for education in times of learning Claves para la educación : actores, agentes y escenarios en la sociedad actual / Desarrollo humano VI retos educativos del profesorado en el siglo XXI / Dispositivo pedagógico y escuela pública por venir Una pedagogía de la integración : competencias e integración de los conocimientos en la enseñanza / ZEHOU LI AND THE AESTHETICS OF EDUCATIONAL MATURITY a transcultural reading. Essays in the phenomenology of learning : the challenge of proximity / Contesting governing ideologies : an educational philosophy and theory reader on neoliberalism / The legacy of Isocrates and a platonic alternative : political philosophy and the value of education / Philosophy and education / Wild pedagogies : touchstones for re-negotiating education and the environment in the Anthropocene / BILDUNG, KNOWLEDGE, AND GLOBAL CHALLENGES IN EDUCATION didaktik and curriculum in the... anthropocene era. Perspectives on Plowden Roy Bhaskar : a theory of education / ¿Por qué educamos? / Jean Baudrillard and radical education theory : turning right to go left / Philosophies of environmental education and democracy : Harris, Dewey, and Bateson on human freedoms in nature / The body in professional practice, learning and education : body/practice / Social reconstruction learning : dualism, Dewey and philosophy in schools / Los filósofos y la educación : formación, didáctica y filosofía de la educación / Beautiful Risk of Education. Exploring curriculum as an experience of consciousness transformation John Dewey's democratic education and its influence on pedagogy in China 1917-1937 / Making education educational : a reflexive approach to teaching / Martin Heidegger : challenge to education / Routledge library editions. John Holt : the philosophy of unschooling / Slavoj Žižek : a Žižekian gaze at education / MAESTROS Y EDUCADORES olvido y rescate de su saber experiencial. Ernesto Laclau y la investigación educativa en Latinoamérica : implicaciones y apropiaciones del análisis político del discurso / The critical turn in education : from Marxist critique to poststructuralist feminism to critical theories of race / Implementing Effective TQM. Complex dynamical systems in education : concepts, methods and applications / Pragmatist philosophy for critical knowledge, learning and consciousness : a new epistemological framework for education / Student evaluation in higher education : reconceptualising the student voice / Contemporary thinking on transdisciplinary knowledge what those who know, know / Quality education / Formative assessment and feedback tool design and evaluation of a web-based application to foster student performance / Hannah Arendt the promise of education / TEMPORALITY, SPACE AND PLACE IN EDUCATION AND YOUTH RESEARCH. The emergence of complexity : rethinking education as a social science / Voces de la filosofía de la educación / Educational philosophy and post-apocalyptical survival / The Palgrave handbook of embodiment and learning / Practical Rationality, learning and convention Essays in the Philosophy of Education. Trends shaping education The new production of expert knowledge : education, quantification and utopia / Vogt, William Paul / Berufliche Orientierung zwischen Heterogenität und Individualisierung Beschreibung, Messung und Konsequenzen zur individuellen Förderung in Schule. Forschendes Lernen : Theorie, Empirie, Praxis / #EdJourney : a Roadmap to the Future of Education. |
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LB14.7 .A35 2009eb | The adventure of education : process philosophers on learning, teaching, and research / | 1 |
LB14.7 .A44 2020 | Silence within and beyond pedagogical settings / | 1 |