Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB1629.5.G7 S47 Inside a curriculum project : a case study in the process of curriculum change / 1
LB1629.5.G7 W37 1973 Integrated studies in the secondary school / 1
LB1629.5.G7 W53 2011 The invention of the secondary curriculum 1
LB1629.5.G751 ǂb G655 1988eb The Making Of The Curriculum : Collected Essays. 1
LB1629.5.G751 ǂb G655 1988eb The Making Of The Curriculum : Collected Essays. 1
LB1629.5 .L66 Secondary modern. 1
LB1629.5 .S3 Curriculum for pupils of twelve to fifteen years : (advanced division) 1
LB1629.7 Guide to the sixth form / 1
LB1629.7 9th .M37 2003 The pivotal year : how freshmen can become sophomores / 1
LB1629.7 12th The future of the sixth form /
ENGLISH SIXTH FORM a case study in curriculum research.
LB1629.7 12th .B34 The 12th grade : a critical year : a student's viewpoint / 1
LB1629.7 12th .E3 The changing Sixth Form in the twentieth century / 1
LB1629.7 12th .S59 2002 Crossing the stage : redesigning senior year / 2
LB1629.7 .E3 2007eb The changing sixth form in the twentieth century 1
LB1631 Teaching for equity, justice, and antiracism with digital literacy practices : knowledge, tools, and strategies for the ELA classroom /
Rockin' root words.
Factual writing : exploring and challenging social reality /
Patterns of revision.
Australien im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II : Doris Pilkingtons Rabbit-Proof Fence und Phillip Noyce' Long Walk Home /
(Re)Designing Narrative Writing Units For Grades, 5-12 : (Create a Plan for Teaching Narrative Writing Skills That Increases Student Learning and Literacy)
Adolescent literacy and writing : narratives outside the classroom /
The story maker motivator /
Policy Regimes College Writing and Public Education Policy in the United States.
Decolonizing middle level literacy instruction : a culturally proactive approach to literacy methods /
Informative writing : teacher guide /
A non-freaked out guide to teaching the common core : using the 32 literacy anchor standards to develop college and career ready students /
Literature Activities Teens Actually Love : Authentic Projects for the Language Arts Classroom (Grades 9-12)
Transgressive humor in classrooms : punching up, punching down, and critical literacy practices /
Adolescent literacies : a handbook of practice-based research /
Enticing hard-to-reach writers /
Challenging Common Core language arts lessons : activities and extensions for gifted and advanced learners in grade 6 /
Puzzle me the right answer to that one : the further possibilities of literature and composition in an American high school /
New directions in teaching English : reimagining teaching, teacher education, and research /
Meeting the Standards in Using ICT for Secondary Teaching : A Guide to the ITTNC /
Developing literacy and the arts in schools /
Literacy in the secondary school /
Creating Literacy Communities As Pathways to Student Success : Equity and Access for Latina Students in STEM.
Rigor in the 6-12 ELA and social studies classroom : a teacher toolkit /
Teaching and learning argumentative writing in high school English language arts classrooms /
The basics of essay writing /
Teaching English /
Take Off into English Teaching! : How to Prepare for your Secondary Teacher Training Programme /
Say Yes to Pears Food Literacy in and beyond the English Classroom.
Literacy projects for student-centered classrooms : tips and lessons to engage students /
Assessing writing to support learning : turning accountability inside out /
The preachers of culture : a study of English and its teachers /
Power, resistance, and literacy : writing for social justice /
Reinventing Writing : the 9 Tools That Are Changing Writing, Teaching, and Learning Forever.
Writing clubs : fostering choice, collaboration, and community in the writing classroom /
Developing Literacy in the Secondary Classroom /
Mechanically inclined : building grammar, usage, and style into writer's workshop /
Academic vocabulary in Middle and High School : effective practices across the disciplines /
The trouble with English and how to address it : a practical guide to implementing a concept-led curriculum /
Supporting student literacy for the transition to college working with underrepresented students in pre-college outreach programs /
Literacy instruction with disciplinary texts : strategies for grades 6-12 /
Developing language and literacy in English across the secondary school curriculum : an inclusive approach /
Identity-Focused ELA Teaching : a Curriculum Framework for Diverse Learners and Contexts /
Common Core State Standards for grade 9 : language arts instructional strategies and activities /
Patterns of language; explorations of the teaching of English,
Teaching literature rhetorically : transferable literacy skills for 21st century students /
English teachers in a postwar democracy : emerging choice in London schools, 1945-1965 /
GRAMMAR INQUIRIES, GRADES 6 - 12 an inquiry- andasset-based approach to grammar instruction.
Connecting Theory and Practice in Middle School Literacy : Critical Conversations.
Differentiation That Really Works : Language Arts (Grades 6-12)
In the Mind's Eye : Truth Versus Perception, ELA Lessons for Gifted and Advanced Learners in Grades 6-8.
Thinking in Threes : the Power of Three in Writing.
A practical guide to teaching English in the secondary school /
Teaching Dilemmas and Solutions in Content-Area Literacy, Grades 6-12 /
The writing workshop teacher's guide to multimodal composition (6-12) /
Between the lines : actively engaging readers in the English classroom /
Essential grammar : the resource book every secondary English teacher will need /
Read, write, inquire : disciplinary literacy in grades 6-12 /
Authentic literacy instruction : empowering secondary students to become lifelong readers, writers, and communicators /
Hands-on literacy, Grade 6 authentic learning experiences that engage students in creative and critical thinking /
Academic literacies in the middle years : a framework for enhancing teacher knowledge and student achievement /
Building literacy through pop culture in the ELA classroom : strategies for English in high school and college /
Writing rhetorically : fostering responsive thinkers and communicators /
LB1631 .A2 2000 A middle mosaic : a celebration of reading, writing, and reflective practice at the middle level / 2
LB1631 .A25 2017eb SAT ELA in the classroom : integrating assessments, standards, and instruction / 1
LB1631 .A342 2014 Academic Language in Diverse Classrooms : English Language Arts, Grades 6-8:Promoting Content and Language Learning. 1
LB1631 .A343 2003 Academic literacy in the English classroom : helping underprepared and working class students succeed in college / 1
LB1631 .A343788 2017 Adolescent literacies : a handbook of practice-based research / 1