Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2331.65.S7 ebook El análisis de la eficiencia en la universidad a partir de la función de distancia / 1
LB2331.65.T28 University rankings : implications for higher education in Taiwan / 1
LB2331.66 The missing professor : an academic mystery /
Deadly professors : a faculty development mystery /
Working with problem faculty : a six-step guide for department chairs /
Engaging faculty in group-level change for institutional transformation : disrupting inequity and building inclusive academic departments /
LB2331.66 .A73 2021 The innovation shift in higher education : human resource practices and knowledge management / 1
Your match would be here.
LB2331.66 .F67 1981 Personnel administration in higher education / 2
LB2331.66 .J64 2010eb Deadly professors : a faculty development mystery / 1
LB2331.66 .J66 2006 The missing professor : an academic mystery / 1
LB2331.66 .J66 2006eb  
LB2331.66 .M36 1999 Managing academic staff in changing university systems : international trends and comparisons / 1
LB2331.66 .T56 THE university impact rankings.
THE impact rankings.
LB2331.66 ebook Hacia un modelo de gestión de los recursos humanos para las universidades /
Fundamentos para la evaluación de titulaciones universitarias desde un modelo de cohesión social : el proyecto UNIVECS /
LB2331.67 You Are a Data Person Strategies for Using Analytics on Campus. 1
LB2331.67.H37 Human resource perspectives on workplace bullying in higher education understanding vulnerable employees' experiences / 1
LB2331.67.H4 Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education. 1
LB2331.67.H4 E48 1984 Employee assistance programs in higher education : alcohol, mental health, and professional development programming for faculty and staff / 1
LB2331.67.H4 P64 1997 Employee assistance programs on liberal arts campuses / 1
LB2331.67.H4 P73 2023 Practising compassion in higher education : caring for self and others through challenging times / 1
LB2331.67.S44 H63 2007 Hiring right : conducting successful searches in higher education / 1
LB2331.67.S44 R67 2003 The Jossey-Bass academic administrator's guide to hiring / 1
LB2331.68 Family-friendly policies and practices in academe / 1