Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2334 .C65 Personnel roster / 1
LB2334 .C74 1987 Incentive early retirement programs for faculty : innovative responses to a changing environment / 1
LB2334 .C8 Carnegie pensions / 1
LB2334 .C8275 1990 Pension and retirement policies in colleges and universities : an analysis and recommendations / 1
LB2334 .C84 2024 Contingent faculty and the remaking of higher education : a labor history / 1
LB2334 .D4 Faculty rights and obligations in eight independent liberal arts colleges. 1
LB2334 .D4 1955i Faculty rights and obligations in eight independent liberal arts colleges 1
LB2334 .D6 1982 Dollars and scholars : an inquiry into the impact of faculty income upon the function and future of the academy / 2
LB2334 .D67 1997 The sun still shone : professors talk about retirement / 1
LB2334 .E53 1991 Ending mandatory retirement for tenured faculty : the consequences for higher education / 1
LB2334 .E58 1992 Retirement 101 : how TIAA-CREF members should deal with the dramatic changes in their pensions / 2
LB2334 .E59 2014eb Equality for contingent faculty : overcoming the two-tier system / 1
LB2334 .F32 Faculty collective bargaining / 1
LB2334 .G37 Faculty bargaining : change and conflict : a report prepared for the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and the Ford Foundation / 3
LB2334 .G72 Benefit plans in American colleges / 1
LB2334 .G73 College retirement and insurance plans. 1
LB2334 .G74 Retirement and insurance plans in American colleges / 1
LB2334 .H82 Collective negotiations in higher education : a reader / 1
LB2334 .K45 Unions on campus / 1
LB2334 .K46 2005eb Building networks / 1