Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2334 .R455 2018 Reinventing academic retirement / 1
LB2334 .R58 College plans for retirement income / 1
LB2334 .R6 Retirement plans for college faculties : an outline of plans in operation and a discussion of their provisions / 1
LB2334 .R66 1987 Report of the pension issues study : executive summary, conducted for the Washington Higher Education Secretariat, Pension Issues Committee and TIAA-CREF / 1
LB2334 .S2 Salaries scheduled for faculty in higher education / 1
LB2334 .S216 Salaries and tenure of full-time instructional faculty on 9- and 10-month contracts / 1
LB2334 .S22 Salaries scheduled for faculty in higher education / 1
LB2334 .S23 Salary equity : detecting sex bias in salaries among college and university professors / 2
LB2334 .S315 2000eb Understanding TIAA-CREF : how to plan for a secure and comfortable retirement / 1
LB2334 .S55 The tenure debate / 1
LB2334 .S55 1973 The tenure debate 1
LB2334 .S8 Teachers' pension systems in the United States : a critical and descriptive study. 1
LB2334 .S87 2001 Faculty compensation systems : impact on the quality of higher education / 1
LB2334 .T2 1987 TIAA-CREF, the future agenda : report of the Special Trustee Joint Committee. 1
LB2334 .T55 An introduction to collective bargaining in higher education / 1
LB2334 .T6 2001 To retire or not? : retirement policy and practice in higher education / 1
LB2334 .V33 Women and minorities in administration of higher education institutions : employment patterns and salary comparisons : a special study supported by the Ford Foundation / 1
LB2334.3.C6 U5 1922 University of Colorado recommendations of Committee on [the] Carnegie Retirement Plan. 1
LB2335.C3 I5 Faculty retirement systems in Canadian universities : a report to Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, Canadian Association of University Teachers [and] Canadian Association of University Business Officers / 1
LB2335.G7 L65 1985 The birth of a pension scheme : a history of the universities superannuation scheme / 1