Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2341 .A7455 1986 ASHE reader on organization and governance in higher education / 1
LB2341 .A746 1994 Assessing quality in further and higher education / 1
LB2341 .A755 Academic gamesmanship : student-oriented change in higher education / 1
LB2341 .A756 Maximizing leadership effectiveness / 1
LB2341 .A758 2016eb Governance of higher education : global perspectives, theories, and practices / 1
LB2341 .A94 2019 Strategic mergers in higher education / 1
LB2341 .B26 Managing today's university / 1
LB2341 .B26 1995 Managing today's university : strategies for viability, change, and excellence / 1
LB2341 .B268 New approaches to management / 1
LB2341 .B27 Power and conflict in the university : research in the sociology of complex organizations / 1
LB2341 .B273 2020 Lean higher education : increasing the value and performance of university processes / 1
LB2341 .B3 Cases in college administration : with suggestions for their preparation and use. 1
LB2341 .B35 2010 Lean higher education : increasing the value and performance of university processes / 1
LB2341 .B4 Men who control our universities : the economic and social composition of governing boards of thirty leading American universities / 1
LB2341 .B42 2023 Resource handbook for academic deans : the essential guide for college and university leaders / 1
LB2341 .B436 2016eb Becoming a student-ready college : a new culture of leadership for student success / 1
LB2341 .B439 1981 Style and substance : leadership and the college presidency / 2
LB2341 .B445 2013 The resource handbook for academic deans / 1
LB2341 .B45 1983 Managing the academic department : cases and notes / 1
LB2341 .B47 1983 Managing the academic department : cases and notes / 2