Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2395.35 ebook El mapa conceptual y el diagrama UVE : recursos para la enseñanza superior en el siglo XXI /
Taller de mapas conceptuales y mentales : para aprender a pensar y organizar las ideas /
Aprender con mapas mentales : una estrategia para pensar y estudiar /
Mapas conceptuales : una técnica para aprender /
Argumentación y desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en entornos virtuales de aprendizaje /
Capacidad crítica del estudiante universitario : la importancia de la formación en la academia /
LB2395.4 .F79 1994eb Manage your time / 1
LB2395.4 .S83 2012eb Successful group work / 1
LB2395.4 ebook Cronos va a mi clase : reflexiones sobre el tiempo en la educación / 1
LB2395.7 You are a data person : strategies for using analytics on campus /
Reusing Online Resources.
e-Learning, e-Education, and online training : 9th EAI International Conference, eLEOT 2023, Yantai, China, August 17-18, 2023, proceedings.
Diversity in higher education remote learning : a practical guide /
Social media in higher education /
Managing innovation inside universities : systematic change for research, service and learning /
Postphenomenology, smartphones, and learning : students and teachers in higher education /
Leading the elearning transformation of higher education : leadership strategies for the next generation /
Guide to digital accessibility : policies, practices, and professional development /
Literacies in times of disruption : living and learning during a pandemic /
Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancing and Redesigning Education 2023 : ICARE 2023 /
Universität in der Pandemie : l'Université en temps de pandémie /
Leading the eLearning Transformation of Higher Education Leadership Strategies for the Next Generation /
Theorising and implementing mobile learning : using the iPAC framework to inform research and teaching practice /
Digitale Hochschulbildung? : Bildungsprozesse Studierender und Lehrender im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung /
Using Technology to Support Learning and Teaching /
Was macht die Digitalisierung mit den Hochschulen? : Einwürfe und Provokationen /
Creating inclusive online communities : practices that support and engage diverse students /
Personalized and inclusive engagement for the design, delivery, and evaluation of university eLearning : the P-I-E model /
Thrive online : a new approach to building expertise and confidence as an online educator /
Digital leadership in higher education : purposeful social media in a connected world /
Blended learning : across the disciplines, across the academy /
Adapting to online and blended learning in higher education : supporting the retention and success of the expanded and diversified intake /
Transactional Distance and Adaptive Learning : Planning for the Future of Higher Education /
Higher education ICT integration in Africa : readiness, implementation and trajectory /
Measurements in distance education : a compendium of instruments, scales, and measures for evaluating online learning /
E-learning in the 21st century : a community of inquiry framework for research and practice /
Transmedia storytelling and the new era of media convergence in higher education /
The digital turn in higher education : international perspectives on learning and teaching in a changing world /
Disruptive technology enhanced learning : the use and misuse of digital technologies in higher education /
Higher Education Landscape 2030 A Trend Analysis Based on the AHEAD International Horizon Scanning.
Higher education and technological acceleration the disintegration of university teaching and research /
Re-imagining technology enhanced learning : critical perspectives on disruptive innovation /
Las TIC en educación superior : experiencias de innovación /
Exploring institutional logics for technology-mediated higher education /
Online education : global questions, local answers /
EdTech inc. : selling, automating and globalizing higher education in the digital age /
Being a scholar in the digital era : transforming scholarly practice for the public good /
Higher education and technological acceleration : the disintegration of university teaching and research /
Higher education institutions and covid-19 : toward resilience and sustainability through emergencies /
Radical solutions in Palestinian higher education : research from An-Najah National University /
Online learning and its users lessons for higher education /
Advances in technological innovations in higher education : theory and practices /
Faculty training for web enhanced learning /
High-impact practices in online education : research and best practices /
Digital-age innovation in higher education : a do-it-yourself approach /
Higher education 4.0 : the digital transformation of classroom lectures to blended learning /
Innovations in learning and technology for the workplace and higher education : proceedings of "The Learning Ideas Conference" 2021 /
Lessons from the pandemic : trauma-informed approaches to college, crisis, change /
Education is not an app : the future of university teaching in the Internet age /
Learning analytics in higher education /
TEACHING HIGHER EDUCATION TO LEAD strategies for the digital age.
Studying online : succeeding through distance learning at university /
Playful pedagogy in the pandemic pivoting to game-based learning /
Building a smarter university : big data, innovation, and analytics /
Active Learning Spaces : New Directions for Teaching and Learning, Number 137.
Staying online : how to navigate digital higher education /
Creating transformative online communities in higher education /
Estrategia de aprendizaje basada en herramientas web 2.0 en el ambito universitario una experiencia de aula.
Posthumanism and the digital university : texts, bodies and materialities /
Understanding and using social media on college campuses : a practical guide for higher education professionals /
Integrating pedagogy and technology : improving teaching and learning in higher education /
Learner interactions in massive private online courses /
Coopetition for regional competitiveness : the role of academe in knowledge-based industrial clustering /
Shaping the university of the future : using technology to catalyse change in university learning and teaching /
Online education 2.0 : evolving, adapting, and reinventing online technical communication /
Developing online teaching in higher education : global perspectives on continuing professional learning and development /
Authentic virtual world education : facilitating cultural engagement and creativity /
Global higher education and the COVID-19 pandemic : perspectives, challenges, and new opportunities /
MOOCs and higher education : implications for institutional research /
Data cultures in higher education : emergent practices and the challenge ahead /
E-learning, e-education, and online training : 8th EAI International Conference, eLEOT 2022, Harbin, China, July 9-10, 2022, proceedings.
Innovative approaches to technology-enhanced learning for the workplace and higher education : proceedings of 'The Learning Ideas Conference' 2022 /
Technology-enhanced learning and the virtual university /
Studying and researching with social media /
Online teaching and learning in the COVID-19 era : perspectives on equity and epistemic justice /
Improving accessible digital practices in higher education challenges and new practices for inclusion /
Ambientes Virtuales de Aprendizaje : Nuevos Retos de la Educación Superior /
Caracterización de canales digitales en la universidad politécnica estatal del Carchi /
Digital and postdigital learning for changing universities /
Cultivating a data culture in higher education /
Mobility, data and learner agency in networked learning /
ACCESS : accessible course construction for every students success /
Student engagement in the digital university : sociomaterial assemblages /
Best practices for flipping the college classroom /
LB2395.7 .A22 2020 Digital agency in higher education : transforming teaching and learning / 2
LB2395.7 .A23 2022 Academia's digital voice : a conversation on new approaches to teaching and learning in the post-COVID world / 1
LB2395.7 .A24 2015eb Academic Bildung in net-based higher education : moving beyond learning / 1
LB2395.7 A357 2020 Digital Leadership in Higher Education Purposeful Social Media in a Connected World. 1
LB2395.7 .A365 2017 Adoption and impact of OER in the Global South / 2
LB2395.7 .A46 2020 Adoption of data analytics in higher education learning and teaching / 1
LB2395.7 .A63 2018 The analytics revolution in higher education : big data, organizational learning, and student success / 1
LB2395.7 .A63 2023 The analytics revolution in higher education : big data, organizational learning, and student success / 1
LB2395.7 .B319 2006 Audience response systems in higher education : applications and cases / 1
LB2395.7 .B319 2006eb Audience response systems in higher education : applications and cases / 1
LB2395.7 .B33 2007 Online learning and teaching in higher education / 1
LB2395.7 .B37 1987 Working with computers : computer orientation for foreign students / 1
LB2395.7 .B375 2000 Managing technological change : strategies for college and university leaders / 1
LB2395.7 .B375 2000eb Managing technological change : strategies for college and university leaders / 1
LB2395.7 .B376 2011 Managing technology in higher education : strategies for transforming teaching and learning / 1