Call Number (LC) Title Results
LB2805 ebook 100 razones para no ir a la escuela : disquisiciones sobre la extitución educativa /
Ocho cuestiones esenciales en la dirección de centros educativos /
Reflexiones de/para un director : lo cotidiano en la dirección de un centro educativo /
LB2805 LB2900.5 Education Leadership : Ambiguity, Professionals and Managerialism. 1
LB2805.5 .E5 Vignettes on the theory and practice of school administration / 1
LB2805.5 .S3 Educational administration: cases and concepts / 1
LB2806 The Influential School Leader Inspiring Teachers, Students, and Families Through Social and Organizational Psychology.
Educational leadership and Antonio Gramsci : the organising of ideas /
The new imperatives of educational change : achievement with integrity /
Educational leadership : theorising professional practice in neoliberal times /
Creative leadership signposts in higher education : -- Turn left at the duck pond! /
Navigating tensions and transitions in higher education : effective skills for maintaining wellbeing and self-care /
High-payoff strategies : how education leaders get results /
La dirección de centros : gestión, ética y política /
Questioning leadership : new directions for educational organisations /
Degendering Leadership in Higher Education /
Promises Fulfilled : a Leader's Guide for Supporting English Learners (1)
The leader's guide to coaching in schools creating conditions for effective learning /
The devil is in the details : system solutions for equity, excellence, and student well-being /
Personalizing 21st century education : a framework for student success /
Leadership in Higher Education /
A Socially Critical View of the Self-managing School.
Leadership for deeper learning : facilitating school innovation and transformation.
Multiculturalism and multilingualism at the crossroads of school leadership exploring leadership theory, policy, and practice for diverse schools /
Schools and society during the COVID-19 pandemic : how education systems changed and the road ahead /
Educational leadership in times of crisis : insights from great figures in history /
Career journeys of diverse leaders in higher education : climbing the rough side of the mountain /
Making space for cultural equality in educational leadership : school ethos and postcolonial pedagogy /
Values for Educational Leadership.
Aspects of educational change
Developing teachers as leaders : a reflective writing approach /
A Leader's Guide to Excellence in Every Classroom : Creating Support Systems for Teacher Success - explore what it means to be a self-actualized education leader and how to inspire leadership in others.
Educational leadership : contemporary theories, principles, and practices /
Examining leaders' learning in practice : methodological choices and puzzles /
The role of leaders in educational decision-making : examining implementation factors and providing a newfound model /
Leadership and literacy : principals, partnerships and pathways to improvement /
Relational Leadership in Education a Phenomenon of Inquiry and Practice.
LEADING FROM THE MIDDLE the beating heart of educational transformation.
Transformational leadership & decision making in schools /
Renegade leadership : creating innovative schools for digital-age students /
Shifting : how school leaders can create a culture of change /
Administrative leaders and school counselors : building on theories, standards, and experiences for optimal mental health collaboration /
You are not alone : 14 stories from education by leaders of race equality /
Storying leadership for equity, diversity, and inclusion : reconceiving research dynamics /
The school leadership playbook : a field guide for dramatic improvement /
Educational leadership : perspectives on preparation and practice /
Built to last the school leader's guide for sustaining change while managing resistance /
Ethical decision making in school administration : leadership as moral architecture /
Linking leadership to student learning /
Job satisfaction of school-based speech-language pathologists : insights to inform effective educational leadership /
Sustainable school leadership : portraits of individuality /
Blending leadership : six simple beliefs for leading online and off /
Authentic academic leadership : a values-based approach to college administration /
Mapping leadership : the tasks that matter for improving teaching and learning in schools /
Critical analyses of educational reforms in an era of transnational governance /
Childhood and schooling in (post)socialist societies : memories of everyday life /
Gestión y liderazgo en el ámbito de la convivencia escolar
Micropolitica en las instituciones educativas
Principal leadership for parent engagement in disadvantaged schools : what qualities and strategies distinguish effective principals? /
Effective leadership at minority-serving institutions : exploring opportunities and challenges for leadership /
Reconfiguring knowledge in higher education
Paradigm shift in education : towards the third wave of effectiveness /
Changing practices, changing education /
International aspects of organizational ethics in educational systems /
Transforming professional practice : a framework for effective leadership/
Supporting course and programme leaders in higher education : practical wisdom for leaders, educational developers and programme leaders /
Reframing decision making in education : democratic empowerment of teachers and parents /
On educational leadership as emancipatory practice : problems and promises /
The Business of People : Leadership for the Changing World.
Transformational professional learning : making a difference in schools /
An ecosystem for research-engaged schools : reforming education through research /
Schools, Parents and Governors : a New Approach to Accountability.
Innovative school reforms : international perspectives on reimagining theory, policy, and practice for the future /
Questioning the language of improvement and reform in education : reclaiming meaning /
Data-driven leadership /
Developing ethical principles for school leadership : PSEL standard two /
Moving to Management : School Governors in the 1990s /
Policies and politics in Malaysian education : education reforms, nationalism and neoliberalism /
Liberating learning : educational change as social movement /
Educational leadership, organizational learning, and the ideas of Karl Weick : perspectives on theory and practice /
Trauma-sensitive school leadership : building a learning environment to support healing and success /
Researcher as participant : safeguarding against bias in a qualitative case study /
Instructional leadership and leadership for learning in schools : understanding theories of leading /
Searching the Globe for Answers : Preparing and Supporting School Leaders. /
Lessons from lockdown : the educational legacy of COVID-19 /
The Intelligent School.
Leadership for Mortals : Developing and sustaining leaders of learning.
Education in an era of schooling : critical perspectives of educational practice and action research. A festschrift for Stephen Kemmis /
Timeless learning : how imagination, observation, and zero-based thinking change schools /
Beyond leadership : a relational approach to organizational theory in education /
What's your leadership story? : a school leader's guide to aligning how you lead with who you are /
International handbook of educational change.
Understanding communities of school leadership : changing dynamics of organizations /
The three waves of reform in the world of education 1918-2018 : students of yesterday, students of tomorrow /
Educational leadership relationally : a theory and methodology for educational leadership, management and administration /
Centros Educativos. Transformación Digital y Organizaciones Sostenibles Aprender y Enseñar en Tiempos de Pandemia.
School Leadership in the Context of Standards-Based Reform International Perspectives /
Successful educational actions for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe /
Pedagogy of entanglement : a response to the complex societal challenges that permeate our lives /
Possibilities of the Impossible : Obstacles of Educational Reform, Nets, Trenches, Sinkholes and Cisterns /
Branded : tell your story, build relationships, and empower learning /
Ethical Educational Leadership in Turbulent Times : (Re) Solving Moral Dilemmas.
Fearless conversations school leaders have to have : step out of your comfort zone and really help kids /
Audacious education purposes how governments transform the goals of education systems /
The Wiley international handbook of education leadership /
Instructional leadership and leadership for learning in schools understanding theories of leading /
Empowering teachers to build a better world how six nations support teachers for 21st Century education /
School Development : Theories & Strategies.
The Palgrave handbook of educational leadership and management discourse /
Centering whole-child development in global education reform : international perspectives on agendas for educational equity and quality /
Will schooling ever change? : school culture, distance learning and the Covid-19 pandemic /
Multilevel pedagogical leadership in higher education : a non-affirmative approach /
Interdisciplinary approaches for educators' and learners' well-being : transforming education for sustanable development /
High-need schools : changing the dialogue /
Scaling-up higher order thinking : demonstrating a paradigm for deep educational change /
Management and economics of education : the application of managerial and economic principles in the education system /
Systems thinking in international education and development : unlocking learning for all? /
Inspiring purpose in high-performance schooling /
Education policies and the restructuring of the educational profession : global and comparative perspectives /
How school leaders contribute to student success : the four paths framework /
Leadership in early childhood education : a cultural-historical theory of practice development /
The Journal of cases in educational leadership
Experiencias educativas de renovación pedagógica y procesos de formación del profesorado /
Socially just educational leadership in unjust times : a Bourdieusian study of social justice educational leadership practices /
Globalisation, ideology and neo-liberal higher education reforms
The rise of Chinese American leaders in U.S. higher education : stories and roadmaps /
The trust factor : strategies for school leaders /
Data-driven decision-making in schools : lessons from Trinidad /
Globalisation, ideology and education reforms emerging paradigms /
Educational leaders without borders : rising to global challenges to educate all /
Investigación sobre el liderazgo pedagógico en escuelas de difícil desempeño : La percepción de directores y docentes /
Pädagogische Institutionen zwischen Transformation und Tradierung : Zugänge qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung /
Lesson Study for Learning Community : a guide to sustainable school reform /
Bildung im gesellschaftlichen Wandel : Qualitative Forschungszugänge und Methodenkritik /
A Socially Critical View of the Self-managing School
Pädagogische Institutionen zwischen Transformation und Tradierung Zugänge qualitativer Bildungs- und Biographieforschung
Leading in multicultural schools : cultural intelligence and leadership styles for better organisations /
LEADERSHIP ENRICHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT peer and self-mentoring women in higher education.
Education to build back better what can we learn from education reform for a post-pandemic world /
Narratives of educational leadership representing research via creative analytic practices /
Win Your First Year in Teacher Leadership : a Toolkit for Team Leaders and Department Chairs.
RESILIENT SCHOOL LEADER 20 ways to manage stress and build resilience.
Perspectives on diversity, equity, and social justice in educational leadership /
COVID-19 and education in the Global North : storytelling and alternative pedagogies /
Advocacy for teacher leadership : opportunity, preparation, support, and pathways /
Leadership and Learning.
Transformative Leadership in Education : Equitable Change in an Uncertain and Complex World.
Leadership for mental wellbeing in the secondary school : implementing whole school strategies /
Bildung im gesellschaftlichen Wandel : Qualitative Forschungszugänge und Methodenkritik /
Global university president leadership : insights from Tsinghua interviews /
Centros Educativos. Transformación Digital y Organizaciones Sostenibles Aprender y Enseñar en Tiempos de Pandemia.
LEADING SCHOOLS AND SUSTAINING INNOVATION how to think big and differently in complex systems.
Renewed accountability for access and excellence : applying a model for democratic professional practice in education /
Energizing your organization : the ultimate school work environment /
Innovative school leadership : transforming practices /
La educación y las emociones en pandemia
Research, policymaking, and innovation : teacher and education development in Belt and Road countries /
Why context matters in educational leadership : a new theoretical understanding /
Advanced theories of educational leadership /
Flipping Leadership Doesn't Mean Reinventing the Wheel.
Reach the Highest Standard in Professional Learning : Leadership.
Future-proof your school : steering culture, driving school improvement, developing excellence.
You can't make this up! : stories from the field : resolving educational leadership dilemmas /
Redefining University Leadership for the 21st Century /
Exploring administrative decision-making in public education : the negligence evolution /
School effectiveness and educational management : towards a South-Eastern Europe research and public policy agenda /
Education lead(her)ship : advancing women in K-12 administration /
The Jossey-Bass reader on educational leadership /
What works in school leadership? : making evidence-informed choices /
LB2806 .A2 Supervision: perspectives & propositions / 1
LB2806 .A22 Accountability: systems planning in education / 1
LB2806 .A23 Accountability and change in education / 1
LB2806 .A24 Accountability in education / 1
LB2806 .A33 2023 Using phenomenological case study in educational leadership research / 1
LB2806 .A4 Shoring up legal and policy provisions for the superintendent. 1
LB2806 .A45 1931 Educational research : suggestions and sources of data with specific reference to administration / 1
LB2806 .A46 Operational PPBS for education : a practical approach to effective decision making / 1
LB2806 .A474 2015 PAL Alphabet / 1
LB2806 A474 2015 PAL Alphabet / 1
LB2806 .A5 3 years of progress in the Cooperative Program in Educational Administration : CPEA.
The administration of consolidated and village schools /
LB2806 .A5194 Year-round community schools : a framework for administrative leadership. 1
LB2806 .A5255 2014 Bounce Forward : the Extraordinary Resilience of Leadership. 1
LB2806 .A527 1984 Alternative perspectives on school improvement / 1
LB2806 .A562 Administrative technology & the school executive : applying the systems approach to educational administration / 1